CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“As I walked through the door to my freedom, I knew that if I did not leave all the anger, hatred, and bitterness behind,,, I would still be in prison.” Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was sentenced to 27 years in prison. He had no bed. He was routinely put in solitary confinement with no end in sight. He at one point was thrown into an empty grave, where he was sure he was about to be killed. But was instead, urinated on by the prison guards, for their humor.

What he went through is something no human being should ever have to endure.

Yet, to his inauguration ceremony as President of South Africa, he invited one of his former jailers. On another occasion, he invited out to lunch the man who tried to get him sentenced to death (instead of prison). And on his 20th anniversary of his release, Nelson invited a third jailor to dinner with his wife.

When asked why he would do this, why he would invite the very same people that tried to make his life miserable, he replied: “If I did not… I would still be in prison.”

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Handstand hold Practice

5:00 to practice handstand holds or short walks (Covid restrictions)
– 100 handstand shoulder taps against a wall is an option

– we can record anything you want/do for this

What’s Up? (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

9 minute AMRAP of:

– 3 squat snatches

– 3 toes 2 bar

– 6 squat snatches

– 6 toes 2 bar

– 9 squat snatches

– 9 toes 2 bar


continue to add (3) reps per rd to each movement until time cap is reached.

MRx:55/35, Rx: 75/55, Rx+: 95/65
– moderately light barbell, one you can do 15+ unbroken reps

– score will be rds + reps

– if you finish the 12 and get 8 snatches in the rd of 15’s your score would be 4 + 8

– try to go unbroken on the barbell through the nines.

– start breaking up toes 2 bar in the rd of 6’s or 9’s, this workout is all about managing grip fatigue

– we want to get ahead of that fatigue before it’s too late

Metcon (No Measure)

Optional Winter Body Armor

– 3 giant sets of:

– 15 double dumbbell stiff legged deadlifts

– 20 barbell front rack reverse lunges (10 each leg)

– 30 abmat sit ups

rest 3:00 between sets
– you choose the weights

– GHD is an option for sit ups