CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Real fears can be overcome. It’s the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.” Theodore Vale
Fear can be absolutely paralyzing. And it’s wise of us to recognize that it’s fear that’s paralyzing, not an actual event taking place. Said another way, our mental reaction to an external event can paralyze us.
FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
If there ever was a superpower that we have, it’s the tremendous ability to bring whatever we’re thinking into reality. And if you’re human, you can draw back to a time where we brought a fear – a mental reaction to an external event – into reality. We talked ourselves into failure, before we even began. We convinced ourselves it couldn’t be done, and deemed it impossible, before even trying.
The unconquerable fear, as Theodore Vale puts it, is the imaginary one. It’s human to question, doubt, and fear. But this thousand year old survival mechanism, which means well, is leading us down the path of hesitancy. Of inaction.
The same mind that builds a paralyzing fear can break one down. It comes down to where we focus our thoughts. Instead of dwelling on what could go wrong, dwell on why it will go right!
See Coach’s board.
Cannonball (Time)
5 rounds:
– 21/15 cal row
– 15 box jump overs 24/20
– 7-6-5-4-3 squat cleans (# drops with each rd. Ex. 1st rd: 7, rd 2: 6… rd 5: 3 reps)
MRx: 115/85, Rx: 155/105, Rx+: 185/130
– pace the row and jump overs so you can excel on the squat cleans – those will be the sticking point of this WOD.
Weighted Midline (Time)
4 rds:
– 1,000m Echo Bike (that’s 1 km)
– 15 weighted Abmat sit-ups (plates held at the chest)
MRx: 35/25, Rx: 45/35, Rx+: 55/45
Gymnastic Stamina – double unders (AMRAP – Reps)
4 two minute rds of 1:30 work, :30s rest
– 8 burpees
– max double unders in remaining time