CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Black and Bluer” (Time)
5 Rounds
10 Power Cleans
10 Bar Facing Burpees
MRX 95/65
RX 125/85
RX+ 155/105
-Where threshold training meets a sprint metcon.
-“Black and Bluer” was a long-time benchmark we turned into today’s workout by turning regular burpees to the above bar-facing.
-The aim is a bar we can hold onto for all sets unbroken. Another view is that it’s a weight we can complete for 21+ reps unbroken. Lighter is harder here, where we then turn to the burpees as the separator.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
On the minute x 15 (5 Rounds)
Minute 1 – 20/15 Calorie Ski Erg
Minute 2 – Max Kipping HSPU
Minute 3 – 7 Deadlifts (65% of 1 RM)
SCORE – Max reps HSPU
Percentage based on 1RM Deadlift:
Todays weight – 65% of 1RM Deadlift
-The Ski Erg and Deadlift will be challenging, but is not the focus.
-The Kipping HSPU are. We’re seeking strong sets but also consistency across the five rounds.
-Use the full minute to accumulate as many reps as we can… does not need to be a single set.