CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“To succeed in life you need three things; a wishbone, a backbone, and a funny bone.” Reba McEntire

An analogy to take into our day:

To have a wishbone – Nothing is too great of a task. Nothing is out of reach. Faith (or doubt) are bot self-fulfilling prophecies.

To have a backbone – The unbreakable will to give our best, regardless of the circumstances. Through the lens of the growth – mindset, every outcome is an opportunity to become better.

To have a funnybone – We do life for one reason, to enjoy it. If we aren’t enjoying what we’re doing we need to find something else. As Oscar Wilde writes: “Life is too short to take things seriously.” Let’s enjoy the ride!

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Stamina Squats week 2 (about 15 minutes)

EMOM x 10 (5 rds each)

Alternate squats

min 1 – 4 front squats

min 2 – 8 back squats
– single barbell loaded at 57% of our 1RM front squat

– this is week 2, we are reducing reps per set and increasing load by 7%.

No Air (Masters) (Time)

– pull ups MRx: 15; Rx+: 21

– 21 power snatches MRx: @ 75/65: Rx+: 95/75

– 15 toes 2 bar

– 15 OHS (same weights)

– MRx: 15 Chest 2 bar pull ups/ Rx+: 9/6 bar muscle ups

– 9 squat snatches (same weights)

No Air (Games/Open) (Time)

– pull ups Rx: 42; Rx+: 50

– 21 power snatches Rx: @ 115/85: Rx+: 135/95

– chest 2 bar pull ups Rx: 30; Rx+: 35

– 15 OHS (same weights)

– Rx: 9 bar MU’s/ Rx+: 20bar muscle ups

– 9 squat snatches (same weights)