CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Your actions speak so loudly that I can’t hear what you’re saying.”

It’s not about what we talk about, but what we tolerate.

When we think of our greatest role models, those that we truly look up to in life, there’s a consistent commonality we’ll notice …their action under adversity. They achieved something great, under incredibly hard circumstances. They overcame a specific challenge in their darkest hour. And for that, we remember them.

Our identity isn’t shaped bny the good times, but by the challenging ones.mIn those moments it’ll never be about what we say, but what we do.

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Jumpsuit (Time)

for time:


– deadlifts 155/105

– box jump overs 24/20 Step overs also Rx

directly into…


– KB swings 53/35 (green/yellow)

– calorie row
– two back-to-back couplets which are pretty posterior chain dominant

– this means we’ll have to find a good break-up plan to keep chipping away at the reps.

– they expect this to take 12-20 minutes.



– db of kb dl’s

– lighter or fewer reps

box jump overs:

– equal reps jumping lunges

– or single db reverse lunges

Metcon (Time)


5 rounds for time

– 30 mountain climbers

– 30 V-ups