CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Intention drives behavior.”

If we were to walk into the grocery store without a list, we end up walking the up and down the aisles for a much longer time. We may even find ourselves staring at a box of Twinkies or other junk food.

Our behavior is what is going to define our success. It is no different than the going shopping with or without the grocery store shopping list. Lines of items of decisions and principles that we choose.

Intention is everything.

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1-2 mins on any erg or a lap


– Thoracic foam roll

– thoracic opener

– wrist stretches

– couch stretch

– pigeon pose


– spiderman & reach

– push up to down dog

Snatch barbell warmup

– 5 good mornings

– 5 back squats

– 5 snatch grip presses (behind neck)

– 5 snach grip Romanian dls

– 5 OHS

Back Squat (10-8-6-4-2)

Take 10-12 min. for this

% based on 1 RM back squat

10 reps @ 67%

8 reps @ 74%

6 reps @ 80%

4 reps @ 85%

2 reps @ 90%

– score heaviest set

– repeat from last week adding 2% to each set.

Modifications as needed

Rush Hour (Time)

Every 4 min x 5 rounds of:

– 15/10 Echo Bike calories

-10 bb facing burpees

– 5 power snatches 75/55
– Aim is to be consistent across all five rounds.

– record final total time of fifth round

modifications as required