CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” Scott Adams

With a tiny sound, one that in and of itself might not even be noticiable. Shortly after the initial sound comes it’s echo. Still nothing enough to make anyone notice. This happens over and over until it impossible to ignore. This is called the “changing of the echos.” it starts with a single tiny noise Will we start one today?

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– 2 min on any erg or a lap

– pigeon stretch

– wall/rig pec stretch

– front rack stretch on box or floor


Barbell warm up

– 5 good mornings

– 5 back squats

– 5 elbow rotations

– 5 strict press & reach

– 5 Romanian dl’s

– 5 front squats

Pauing front squat complex (5 sets of 2)

– 1 pausing front squat (3s in the hole)

– 1 front squat
set 1 – 60% of 1RM front squat

set 2 – 63%

set 3 – 66%

set 4 69%

set 5 – 72%

– weights may not look heavy but with a 3 s pause at the bottom of the squat the intensity level will increase.

– score heaviest rd.


– back squats

– air squats to box or bench

Pausing push press complex (5 sets of 2)

– 1 pausing push press (3s in the dip)

– 1 push press
set 1 – 50% of 1RM jerk

set 2 – 55%

set 3 – 60%

set 4 – 60-65%

set 5 60-70%

– score heaviest set

Squat clean thruster (5 set of 1)

bar taken from the ground

1 squat clean thruster
score the heaviest

set 1 – 65% of 1RM jerk

set 2 – 70%

sets 3-5 75-85%

Down to Earth (Time)

7 rounds of

– 200m run/erg (see subs below)

– 7 thrusters 75/55

– 7 bar facing burpees
– today is about a little more cardio – again

expect it to take between 15-25 minutes

– run modifications: 250m ow or 12/9 cal Echo Bike or 200m ski erg

other modifications as needed