CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Trade your expectation for appreciation, and the world changes around you” – Tony Robbins

Routines and habits become part of the norm. Morning coffee, listening to the radio, the drive to the field taking the kids to practice. We appreciate healthy habits, and let’s continue to reinforce them. There is however much to be said about taking a pause to our routine, to appreciate the fortune in our lives. The absolute abundance we are so lucky to have.

In a world where comforts are the “norm”, we want to consciously remind ourselves how good our lives are.
The thought of losing those precious parts of our day is a sobering one. But despite it being a morbid thought, we will. There will be a final cup of morning coffee for us. There will be the last chance for us to listen to the radio. And if we are lucky enough to have kids, there will be a last time we *get* to wait in traffic as we drive them to soccer practice.

As Tony Robbins quotes, if we can remove expectations from the norm, and replace them with a sense of gratitude, our entire world changes.

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Barbell Conditioning

Metcon (No Measure)

Alternating OTM x 10 (5 Rounds):

Odd – 3-Position Power Snatch

Even – 7 Thrusters



3 Position Clean


7 Dual Dumbbell Thrusters

15 Wallballs

We start our deload week with a barbell cycling EMOM.

We want to choose the same weight that works for both movements.

Build to a moderate weight.

Our focus should be on outstanding technique as opposed to total load.



Each snatch will start at the high hang, then above the knee and finishing with a lift from the floor.

Use this as an opportunity to work on barbell cycling and complete the complex without putting the bar down.

The final lift of this complex will be on tired legs that will allow the weight to pull us forward more easily. Resist this and keep your weight balanced.


A vertical torso combined with a good front rack position is key here.

The thruster can easily pull us weight forward if we allow our torso to pitch or the bar to slide forward in our front rack.

We want to try and keep a full grip on the bar if we can to practice good habits and work on mobility at the same time.



It’s Goin Down (Time)


Hang Squat Snatches (75/55)

Thrusters (75/55)

After Each Set: 30 Double Unders



Reduce Reps

45 Single Unders (1.5x)

30 Seconds of Practice

This triplet workout combines large range of motion weightlifting movements with double unders

The double unders take place after each set on the barbell

The workout flows like this:

21 Hang Squat Snatches

30 Double Unders

21 Thrusters

30 Double Unders

18 Hang Squat Snatches

30 Double Unders

We expect this piece to take between 15-25 minutes to complete


The barbell movements are designed to be very light

We’re likely choosing our one barbell weight-based of this movement, as it is the more challenging of the two

This should be a load that you are capable of completing 21+ reps unbroken when fresh

The “hang” position is defined as anywhere above the knees


This is preferably the same weight as the hang squat snatches

This should be a load that you could cycle for 30+ unbroken reps when fresh


Each set is designed to be small and manageable

Choose a number or variation that you can complete ideally unbroken each set



The 132 reps on the barbell will likely provide the biggest challenge of the workout

This is especially true for the opening two rounds of 21 and 18

Look to approach the first two rounds with intelligent intensity, as this will help you sustain your efforts through the last two rounds

Consider the following break-up options for each round

Round of 21: 12-9 / 7-7-7 / 6-5-5-5

Round of 18: 9-9 / 6-6-6 / 5-5-4-4

Round of 15: 8-7 / 5-5-5 / 4-4-4-3

Round of 12: 6-6 / 4-4-4 / 3-3-3-3


The double under sets are small enough where unbroken sets are manageable throughout

Transition from the barbell to the rope at a speed that allows for unbroken sets

Knowing you’re going to be breaking up the barbell movements into a few sets, look to get your hands on the barbell relatively quickly after finishing for your double unders

For Example: If you’re breaking up the round of 15 into 5-5-5, look to finish your double unders and get right to the bar for the opening set of 5 before taking a rest

This “just start” mentality is a nice mental win that helps you keep moving forward in the workout