CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“You can’t build on top of success you don’t acknowledge.” – Dallas Travers

There’s a dark side to being so driven.
We can be so focused on constantly improving that we can forget to look back. And acknowledge where we came from. I bet we can all relate to a time where we landed a PR lift, or a raise at work… where we *were* psyched, but only for mere seconds. Before we know it, we’re already thinking, “what’s next?” The finish line always moves.

It’s not wrong to be passionately driven.
That’s not where the harm comes from.
The harm comes when we don’t celebrate our victories.

We aim to live in a state of true “blissful disassifaction”. Grateful for every experience that comes our way, all the while in a fiery pursuit of the next best version of ourselves. Think of it less as a “pat on the back”, and more of a foundation that we build on. As the quote above teaches us, we can’t build on top of success we don’t acknowledge.

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Front Squat

Set 1: 2 Reps @ 88% of 1RM Front Squat

Set 2: 4 Reps @ 83% of 1RM Front Squat

Set 3: 6 Reps @ 79% of 1RM Front Squat

Set 4: 8 Reps @ 76% of 1RM Front Squat

Set 5: 10 Reps @ 70-75% of 1RM Front Squat

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



This 30-rep strength piece starts with lower reps and higher weight and works towards higher reps and lower weights

Rest 2 minutes between each to maintain quality sets

These are designed to be completed unbroken out of a rack

The percentages are based off your 1RM Front Squat


Granola Bar (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


7 Bar Muscle-ups

7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar

7 Clusters (135/95)

7 Lateral Burpees Over Bar





Reduce Reps

Jumping Bar Muscle-ups (Off Box)

Chest to Bar Pull-ups


Today’s workout will bring us through large ranges of motion in gymnastic and weightlifting movements

The intended scoring range for this workout is between 4-6 rounds

This works out to a round every 2-3 minutes


You can jump up or step up off the floor

There is no need to reach extension when jumping over the bar


If you have 12+ bar muscle-ups unbroken when fresh, let’s complete this station as written

If you’re not there yet, consider reducing the reps or choosing an option from “subs”


Clusters are also known as Squat Clean Thrusters

The Cluster is one of the most effective barbell movements, as it requires one of the largest range of motions

Note that there is no re-bend of the knees overhead in the thruster portion of the movement

Choose a weight that allows you to clear this station in right around 1 minute



The lateral burpees over the bar separate the more challenging movements in the workout

Move at a pace on the burpees that allows you to thrive through the bar movements

This should be a pace that allows you to get your hands on the bar within 5-10 seconds of finishing your last burpee


On the clusters, singles will likely be the best and most consistent option for the workout

The only place that it could be helpful to “touch and go” these reps is as the clock is winding down

With the weight coming back down the the ground on each rep anyways, dropping from the top can conserve a lot of energy

Look to stay close to the barbell in order to get back on the next rep once the weight settles

Finding a rhythm between these 7 single reps will help you clear this station efficiently


Based on our intended scoring range, you can expect to complete about 30-40 bar muscle-ups in this workout

With that total number in mind on top of additional fatigue, imagine what the most consistent break-up strategy will be for you

There is no wrong approach here, just the one that you can sustain throughout the 12 minutes

Consider the following options:

1 Set: 7

2 Sets: 4-3

3 Sets: 3-2-2

4 Sets: 2-2-2-1

5 Sets: 2-2-1-1-1