CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“If you know your opponent, but not yourself, you will lose 100% of the time.” – Samurai Proverb
To “keep up with the Jones” is an old expression about competitive neighbors. A power struggle, or maybe better said a popularity struggle, of status on the block. To “keep up”, one must be on top of their investigative game, predicting the next big move… a nicer lawn, or a better Christmas card.

As we visualize these friendly rivals battling it out on the block, it’s safe to say that both sides will lose. There won’t be a winner here.

We can study our competition into great length. And, we will indeed learn some absolutely beneficial statistics. But all the external statistics in the world won’t move us forward until we turn the investigative glasses to ourselves.

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Front Squat

Set 1: 2 Reps @ 85% of 1RM

Set 2: 4 Reps @ 80% of 1RM

Set 3: 6 Reps @ 76% of 1RM

Set 4: 8 Reps @ 73% of 1RM

Set 5: 10 Reps @ 67-72% of 1RM

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



This 30-rep strength piece starts with lower reps and higher weight and works towards higher reps and lower weights

Rest 2 minutes between each to maintain quality sets

These are designed to be completed unbroken out of a rack

The percentages are based off your 1RM Front Squat


Catch & Release (Time)

On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:

50′ Double Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50’s/35’s)

21/15 Calorie Row

12 Kipping Handstand Push-ups

9 Deadlifts (225/155)



Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walking Lunge

Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunges


15/12 Calorie Assault Bike, Echo Bike, or

Bike Erg

15/12 Calorie Ski Erg

200 Meter Weighted Run

200 Meter Air Runner or Trueform

25/18 Calorie Schwinn Bike


Reduce Reps

Box Handstand Push-ups

Double Dumbbell Push Press

Today’s main conditioning piece works “”repeats”” of weightlifting, gymnastics, and cardio movements

With rest built in, we’re looking to move with a purpose through each round

Rounds begin every 4 minutes [0-4-8-12-16]

After completing the 4 stations, rest with whatever time remains until the next window begins

These rounds are ideally completed in 3 minutes or less, giving you at least 1 minute to rest

Adjust movements and reps as needed to hit this recommendation

Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds


Choose a moderate load that allows you to complete the 50 feet unbroken

As long as the weight is in contact with the shoulders, you can hold it however you please

The back knee should touch the ground in the bottom of each rep

The lower body should reach full extension between each step

Alternate legs on every step


If you have 21+ handstand push-ups unbroken when fresh, complete this piece as written

If you’re not there yet, drop the reps or choose a variation from “subs”

Within the workout, this movement should be cleared in 1-2 sets


This should be a moderate weight that you could complete for 21+ unbroken reps when fresh

Within the workout, these 9 reps should ideally be completed unbroken


With the score being the slowest of the 5 rounds, look to move at a strong and sustainable speed from the beginning

In a perfect world, your fastest and slowest rounds are within about 10 seconds of each other

Unbroken deadlifts and lunges are ideal throughout the workout

The first and last movements will be easier to gauge than the middle two movements, as there is rest before the lunge and after the deadlifts

If you see yourself breaking up the handstand push-ups at some point, a quick break early on may be best (6-6 or 7-5)

Look to keep the stroke rate lower and the power higher on the machine, as this allows for a good recovery and a strong drive