CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Erin Stern’s (2x Ms. Olympia) Summer Shred Upper Body workout + (Time)
Buy in: (each round do one)
– 200m run
– 200m echo bike
– 200m walking lunges
– 200m run
Then 4 rounds of 15 reps each arm of the following supersets:
– single arm db standing row
– single arm db shoulder press (lean forward into rack)
– single arm db upright row
– single arm db kneeling Y press
– banded pull downs
– AMRAP decline pushups (that doesn’t mean you can refuse to do them)
– single arm db row (on bench)
– single db center press
cash out: 15 Renegade db rows w/ push ups
– Do all of these compound movements without swinging or moving your body
– upright row, feet just wider than shoulder width, pull db across body
– kneeling Y press, go lighter and angle press out like a Y
– band pull down, do partial range of motion to keep constant tension
– choose your own weights