CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“An object at rest tends to stay at rest. An object in motion tends to stay in motion.” – Newton

There is a difference between understanding what we need to do, and actually doing it.

Most people don’t have an issue knowing what they need to do. They make goals, lists, priorities, to-do’s. But despite it being buttoned up on paper – the separation lies in execution.

We anticipate the work of the entire project, and… it becomes paralyzing. In those moments, we need to remind ourselves that we aren’t looking to gather the energy to finish. We are looking to gather the energy to just start. Whether it’s the search of a new job, a new PR, or even a significant other, we just need to take that first step in the process. The rest has its way of falling into place. For an object in motion, tends to stay in motion.

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Home WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

5 x 2:00 Minute AMRAP

Each interval starts with 2 rounds of “Strict Cindy”

Time Remaining:

Round #1 – Double Dumbbell Power Cleans

Round #2 – Double Dumbbell Front Squats

Round #3 – Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans

Round #4 – Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks

Round #5 – Double Dumbbell Clusters

Dumbbells – 50’s/35’s

Rest 1 Minute between each AMRAP.



Inverted Bar Rows

Renegade Rows [Equal Reps]

Dumbbell Rows From Plank Position [Equal Reps Each Side]

Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows [2x Reps]

Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows [2x Reps Each Side]

Odd Object Bent Over Rows [2x Reps]


Single Dumbbell Power Cleans

Odd Object Power Cleans


Single Arm Dumbbell Front Squats

Dumbbell Goblet Squats

Odd Object Front Squats

Air Squats

Jumping Air Squats


Single Dumbbell Hang Squats Cleans

Odd Object Hang Squat Cleans


Single Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks

Odd Object Power Clean and Jerks


Single Dumbbell Clusters

Odd Object Clusters

Pairing bodyweight and dumbbell movements in these fast paced 2-minute intervals

After completing 2 rounds of “Strict Cindy”, you’ll complete as many dumbbell reps as you can with whatever time remains

For Example: If the 2 rounds take you 1:20 to complete, you’ll have :40 to accumulate dumbbell reps

The dumbbell movements will change each round

Your score is the sum total of your 5 rounds of reps on the dumbbells


1 round of “Strict Cindy” is: 5 Strict Pull-ups 10 Push-ups, and 15 Air Squats

With short windows to operate within, this bodyweight “buy-in” is designed to be fast and unbroken

To make sure we have enough time for the dumbbell movements, we’ll cap these 2 rounds at 1:30 (:45 Per Round)

This gives you at least 30 seconds to work through dumbbell reps

Adjust the numbers or movement variations as needed to accomplish this, with the strict pull-ups and push-ups likely presenting the biggest challenges

3-6-9 will be a popular rep adjustment to the rounds of “Strict Cindy”

You can even reduce rounds and complete 1 round of “Strict Cindy” instead of 2


There won’t be a lot of time to work through reps on the dumbbell, so weight selection is important

Choose a moderate set of dumbbells that allows you to move for the majority of time remaining

This time frame will likely be between 30-60 seconds

Use one weight for all 5 movements

This weight will likely be selected based off the more difficult movements of rounds 3-5

If you’re on the fence, lighter weights are better, as they keep you moving for all 2 minutes each round


If you have the equipment

Speed Dating (AMRAP – Reps)

5 Rounds:


2 Rounds Strict Cindy

Max Reps Barbell Movement (135/95)

Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds

Round 1: Power Cleans

Round 2: Front Squats

Round 3: Hang Squat Cleans

Round 4: Power Clean and Jerks

Round 5: Clusters



Reduce Reps

Banded Strict Pull-ups

Ring Rows



Reduce Reps

Elevate Hands (Box or Bench)

Knee Push-ups

Pairing bodyweight and barbell movements in these fast paced 2-minute intervals

After completing 2 rounds of “Strict Cindy”, you’ll complete as many barbell reps as you can with whatever time remains

For Example: If the 2 rounds take you 1:20 to complete, you’ll have :40 to accumulate barbell reps

The barbell movements will change each round

Your score is the sum total of your 5 rounds of reps on the barbell


1 round of “Strict Cindy” is:

5 Strict Pull-ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

With short windows to operate within, this bodyweight “buy-in” is designed to be fast and unbroken

To make sure we have enough time for the barbell movements, we’ll cap these 2 rounds at 1:30 (:45 Per Round)

This gives you at least 30 seconds to work through barbell reps

Adjust the numbers or movement variations as needed to accomplish this, with the strict pull-ups and push-ups likely presenting the biggest challenges

3-6-9 will be a popular rep adjustment to the rounds of “Strict Cindy”


There won’t be a lot of time to work through reps on the barbell so weight selection is important

Choose a moderate load that allows you to move for the majority of time remaining

This time frame will likely be between 30-60 seconds

Use one weight for all 5 movements

This weight will likely be selected based off the more difficult movements of rounds 3-5



The faster you move through these 2 rounds, the more time you will have for the barbell movements

Move with a sense of urgency while still maintaining range of motion standards on each movement

Every second counts within these short windows, so make your transitions fast

Performing your push-ups, air squats, and barbell movements directly under the strict pull-up station can save valuable seconds

Since we’re alternating muscle groups and have only 2 minutes to work, aim for unbroken sets across the board


Your approach on the barbell movements will likely depend on how much time you have left

The shorter amount of time, the more urgency there is to hold onto the barbell

If you have closer to a minute to work, you may throw in a quick break or two

Whatever time you have left in these windows, do your best to limit your rest, as there is rest built in between rounds

Body Armor

Home & Gym


Double Dumbbell Floor Presses

Single Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extensions



Todays Body Armor will target the lower body through three squat “stations”

Station 1 – Weighted Cossack… choose a light dumbbell, held in front of you (goblet)

Station 2 – Alternating Jumping Lunges, 24 total or 12 each side

Station 3 – Back to our Cossack squats, but unweighted this time