CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“As is a tale, so is life: not how long it is, but how good it is, is what matters.” – Seneca

It’s a cliche to say life is short.
Yet, life is plenty long. If that is, we spend it intentionally.

At first glance, this quote can be interpreted as a means to fight back procrastination. Another interpretation is action in different way. Instead of focusing on doing more, on accomplishing more… *appreciate* more. In a world where the norm is do more and more… it’s a step back. So that, we can take in the moments we have in front of us. So that we can focus on the quality of the most important parts of our lives, as opposed to being caught up in the “gold rush”.

If we can live with both intention and gratitude, life will be plenty long.

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Home WOD

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


100 Meter Farmers Carry (50’s/35’s)

20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts (50’s/35’s)

30 AbMat Sit-ups



Single Arm Farmers Carry

Odd Object Farmers Carry


Single Dumbbell Deadlifts

Odd Object Deadlifts

This triplet workout is centered around some “grunt work” style movements performed with a pair of dumbbells

Rotating through an double dumbbell carry, a lower body pull, and midline movement will allow you to keep moving with intensity through the 16 minutes of work

The intended scoring target for this workout is 4+ rounds [1 Round Every 4 Minutes]


You’ll hold 2 dumbbells for this 100 meters farmers carry

Choose a weight here that allows you to complete the 200 meters unbroken when fresh


Only one head of each dumbbell has to make contact with the ground in the bottom of each rep

If you chose the right weight for the carry, it will very likely be the right weight for the deadlifts

This should be a load that allows you to complete the 35+ reps unbroken when fresh

Click Here for a demo video of the double dumbbell deadlift (

Body Armor

AMRAP 5: Strict Pull-Ups

Every Minute on the Minute: 7 Dumbbell Pushups



Todays Body Armor will target the upper body through a pull/push combination

The task is max strict pull-ups in five minutes

The catch however is that every minute, to include the start, we complete 7 DB Pushups

The reps are completed with hands on the dumbbells, creating a slight deficit pushup



Use Band



Reduce Reps

Remove Dumbbells (regular pushups)


If you have the equipment

Back Squat

10-Rep Max



We’ll continue our heavy testing with a 10RM Back Squat

This high rep benchmark will test strength, stamina, and a little conditioning

We recommend taking 2-3 attempts at the 10-Rep Max, as the higher reps can take it’s toll with too many sets

Complete somewhere between 4-6 reps as you build up in weight with your warmup sets

Once the weight is heavy enough, start your working sets of 10, completing a maximum of 3 attempts

Record your heaviest successful set of 10 as your score


Sweat Sixteen (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


21/15 Calorie Assault Bike

15 Toes to Bar

9 Overhead Squats (165/115)

This triplet workout is a balance of all three modalities: monostructural, gymnastic, and weightlifting

The intended scoring target for this workout is 3+ rounds


Looking for a mid-volume set of reps here

We want to be able to complete this station in no more than 90s at our slowest round

Fast singles is always an option, with consistency across the rounds being a focal point


We want the heavier barbell today

Stimulus calls for a loading we could complete 15+ unbroken when fresh



Pacing is the focus, and it’s best to start with the overhead squats

Based on our capacity on the lift, we can backplan our pacing on the bike and toes to bar

It is very easy to allow our first round to be our fastest, with two movements (TTB + OHS) that can slow dramatically

Thinking ahead, round 3’s breakup strategy should very closely resemble round 1’s


This is the pacer of the workout

We push this station relative to our TTB and OHS capacity

In other words, if we are unbroken on both, we then look to push the bike

The reverse is a recipe for a lower score.. push the bike, and excessively break up the TTB and OHS

For the sake of a pace visual, imagine we are completing a ~10:00 Assault Bike max calorie test


The OHS + TTB combination can be deceptive to our grip

We have a “break” coming off the Assault Bike, when thinking between OHS to TTB, but keep that in mind

Consistency is king here, with break up strategies all be valid as long as they are so

Be wary of big sets and big breaks here.. time can disappear

Consider a descending rep scheme so that we have a bit more of a recovery before the heavy OHS


We again are looking for the heavy lift, which may place us in a “clean and jerk to back rack” setup position

For many, this should be the setup, as the risk/reward of trying to snatch it can be very poor

We don’t need to think much on the setup for a clean at this weight, but with a snatch, we do… keep that in mind

We want to aim for big (if not unbroken each time) sets… resting the extra couple of seconds before is the right move

If mobility allows, a slightly more narrow grip on the barbell can provide a stronger overhead position