CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Our greatest fear in life should not be failure. Our greatest fear in life should be succeeding in things that don’t matter.” – Francis Chan
One of life’s greatest tragedies: we tend to think that things will be different if we achieve more, win more, or make more money. But if those things have never changed us before, even if we win the world… would it change us today? Like thirsty people guzzling salt water, it’s a never-ending cycle that does not lead to fulfillment.
Yet we can work tirelessly for that next finish line, putting all of eggs in that basket, wishing, hoping, and working tirelessly to get there. One of our greatest fears, as written in the quote above, is to get there, and to realize… we didn’t climb the right ladder. It didn’t bring us to where we wanted to be. How we wanted to feel.
It always boils down to this – the quality of our relationships, the positive influence we impart on others, and who we become in the process. Hustle is crucial, but placing first things first is absolutely vital. Which ladder are we climbing today?
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
50 Devil’s Press (50’s/35’s)
“2-2-2-3” Intervals Style:
35 Double Unders
5 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees
Max Devil’s Press in Time Remaining
Single Arm Alternating Devil’s Press
Odd Object Devil’s Press
15 Over and Back Dumbbells Hops
35 Line Hops
35 Double Taps
This workout consists of 4 short and fast intervals
The first three intervals last for 2 minutes, with the final lasting 3 minutes
There is 2 minutes of rest between intervals
After completing the double unders and lateral dumbbell burpees, you’ll complete as many Devil’s Press as your can with the remaining time
Your workout will continue until you have finished 50 total Devil’s Press
As a recap, the workout flows as follows:
Rest 2 Minutes
Rest 2 Minutes
Rest 2 Minutes
Record the total time (including rest) it takes to complete the 50 reps
If you do not finish the Devil’s Press after the final AMRAP 3 is over, write your score as 15:00 and note total reps completed
This movement is a combination of a dumbbell burpee and a double dumbbell snatch
The chest should make contact with the floor on each rep
Swing the bells overhead without pausing at the shoulders
Choose a moderate weight that allows you to complete 10+ reps within each interval
These two stations combined are designed to take under 45 seconds to complete, giving you plenty of time to accumulate dumbbell reps
Adjust numbers or variations as needed to accomplish this
You can jump up or step up out of the burpee
The feet should pass over the handle of the dumbbell
There is no need to stand to full extension when jumping over the handle
Body Armor
7 Close Grip Pushups
7 Wide Grip Pushups
7 Hand-Release Pushups
30 Banded Pull-Aparts
Todays Body Armor will target the shoulders
We have three variations of pushups that lead into a single set of “pulling”
Aim here is not to match the numbers, but the unique demand of the type of pushup
Close Grip: Hands spaces collar-bone apart
Wide Grip: Hand spaced ~6 inches outside regular hand placement
Hand-Release: Hands come off ground at bottom
Body Armor
If you have the equipment
Metcon (No Measure)
Ascending Ladder For 6 Minutes:
2 Strict Ring Dips
:10 Second L-Sit Hold
4 Strict Ring Dips
:10 Second L-Sit Hold
6 Strict Ring Dips
:10 Second L-Sit Hold
Add (2) Strict Ring Dips Per Round
Reduce Reps
Banded Ring Dips
Bar Dips
2x Deficit Push-ups (Hands on Plates)
3x Regular Push-ups
Reduce Time
L-Sit Hanging From Pull-up Bar (Allows Feet to Drop More)
Hollow Hold
Today’s Body Armor piece will train our midline and upper body push
Between each set of strict ring dips, you’ll complete a short :10 second L-Sit on parallettes
Your score today is total number of strict ring dips completed at the end of 6 minutes
This is a high interference piece that will tax your upper body lockout, so break up the strict ring dips as needed
If you have 15+ unbroken strict ring dips, we recommend competing this piece as written
If you’re not quite there, you can reduce reps (climb by 1 each round) or choose another variation from “subs”
The range of motion here is:
Elbows fully locked at the top
Shoulder below the elbow in the bottom
Choose a time or a variation that allows you to complete this station unbroken