CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

On Monday, May 4th, we’ll be simplifying the current Home Gym offering. The plan is to move from two workout variations (“Equipment” and “No Equipment”) to one. The “No Equipment” modification options will still be listed in the “Workout Prep Notes” of the posted workout.

View Public Whiteboard


3 Rounds

30 Seconds Slow Air Squats

30 Seconds Spiderman + Reach Video (

30 Seconds Down Dog Video (

3 Rounds

20 Seconds Jumping Jacks

20 Seconds Air Squat Jumps

20 Seconds Mountain Climbers Video (

Home WOD

Choose a version. Finish with Body Armor.

Bergeron DBeep Test (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

On the Minute For As Long As Possible:

7 Single Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters

7 Alternating Single Dumbbell Power Snatches

7 Burpees

After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement

-The “Bergeron DBeep Test” is a twist on the benchmark workout “Bergeron Beep Test”

-Every minute on the minute for as long as possible, you’ll complete the 21 listed reps

-When you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute, the workout is done

-Your score is total completed rounds and reps

-The goal is to choose weights, rep schemes, and movement variations that allow for at least 7-10 rounds

-If you are not able to make it to 7 minutes, continue to complete the workout AMRAP style until 10:00 on the clock

For Example:

-If you only make it to 5 minutes, abandon trying to go “on the minute” and simply complete as many rounds and reps as possible for 5 more minutes

-In this scenario, record your score as total completed “On the Minute” rounds

-To make sure we’re not working forever, we’ll add 1 rep to each movement after 10 rounds

*Round 11: 8 Reps of Everything

*Round 12: 9 Reps of Everything

*Round 13: 10 Reps of Everything…

-Use one dumbbell for this movement, holding one head in each hand

-It’s essentially like holding a very short barbell

Demo: (

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

On the Minute For As Long As Possible:

7 Odd Object Thrusters

7 Odd Object Ground to Overhead

7 Burpees

After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement


How to Create an Odd-Object (

Odd-Object Thrusters (

Odd-object Ground to Overhead (

-The “Bergeron DBeep Test” is a twist on the benchmark workout “Bergeron Beep Test”

-Every minute on the minute for as long as possible, you’ll complete the 21 listed reps

-When you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute, the workout is done

-Your score is total completed rounds and reps

-The goal is to choose weights, rep schemes, and movement variations that allow for at least 7-10 rounds

-If you are not able to make it to 7 minutes, continue to complete the workout AMRAP style until 10:00 on the clock

For Example:

-If you only make it to 5 minutes, abandon trying to go “on the minute” and simply complete as many rounds and reps as possible for 5 more minutes

-In this scenario, record your score as total completed “On the Minute” rounds

-To make sure we’re not working forever, we’ll add 1 rep to each movement after 10 rounds

*Round 11: 8 Reps of Everything

*Round 12: 9 Reps of Everything

*Round 13: 10 Reps of Everything…

Body Armor

Strict Pull-Up


Strict Pull-ups

Every Minute on the Minute:

7 Dumbbell Push-ups



-Today’s body armor is max strict pull-ups in 5 minutes

-However, your progress will be interrupted by 7 dumbbell push-ups every minute on the minute

-Place your hands on dumbbell handles to create a slight deficit


Strict Pull-ups:

-Inverted Rows (

-Odd-Object Rows (

Dumbbell Push-ups

-No deficit

-Elevated feet


Dumbbell Push-ups: (


If you have the equipment

21 Jump Street (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


21 Power Snatches (95/65)

21 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)

21 Overhead Squats (95/65)

21 Toes to Bar



-Reduce Reps

-Feet as High as Possible

-Knees to Elbows/Chest/Waist

-This longer AMRAP workout includes 2 weightlifting movements and 2 bodyweight movements

-A steady pace and calculated break-up strategy will be important over the 21 minutes of work

-We can expect to complete between 3-5 rounds today


-We’re looking to move a lighter weight for both barbell movements

-Choose your weight based off which movement is more challenging for you

-This should be a load that allows you to complete 21+ reps of both movements unbroken when fresh


-There is no need to stand to full extension on top of the box

-You can step off the box, but should jump with both feet to complete this station prescribed


-Choose a rep number or variation here that allows you to clear this station in under 2 minutes



-If there are 2 movements to chip away at the most, they are the power snatches and toes to bar

-Small, quick sets will likely be more effective in the long run, especially with these movement happening back to back

-Breaking early and often can help preserve your speed and grip into round 3 and beyond

-Consider the following sets:

**2 Sets: 12-9

**3 Sets: 7-7-7 or 8-7-6

**4 Sets: 6-5-5-5

**5 Sets: 5-4-4-4-4


-The power snatches come back down the ground on each rep, but the overhead squats do not

-For this reason, let’s try to hold on for bigger sets on the overhead squats

-Move at a smooth pace through the box jump overs to allow for this

-See if you can work through the 21 reps in 1-2 sets:

**1 Set: 21

**2 Sets: 12-9

Body Armor

3 Giant Sets:


Romanian Deadlifts*

Dumbbell Bench Press

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



-A “Giant Set” means that you’ll move with a purpose from one movement to the next while prioritizing quality over speed

-Repeating this Body Armor from Wednesday, April 8

-Our focus in the first part of Body Armor is on our grip strength, posterior chain, and upper body pressing

-Use one for the Romanian Deadlifts and one weight for the Dumbbell Bench Press across the 4 sets

-Rest 2 minutes between sets


-We’ll use a barbell for the Romanian Deadlifts

-We’ll train our grip strength by gripping this barbell with a double overhead grip and without a hook grip

-Choose a weight that is challenging, but one that allows you to complete each set unbroken

-Click Here for a demo video (