CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Home WOD

Choose One

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

100m Single DB Farmers Carry

200m Run

30 Dumbbell Swings


Single DB Farmer’s Carry:

50 Single DB Step-Ups


20 x 10m Shuttle Runs

200m Row/Bike Erg

25 Cal AB

-Choose a heavier load if available for the single DB Farmer Carry, but weights that will allow you to complete 50m unbroken each time

-Move with purpose through the three movements

-Let’s use the 200m jog as recovery before getting back to the dumbbell for swings

-Choose a dumbbell weight for the swings that you could complete the set of 30 in 1 – 2 sets


Dumbbell Swings (

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

100m Odd-Object Carry

200m Run

30 Odd-Object Swings


Odd Object Carry:

50 Odd-Object Step-Ups


20 x 10m Shuttle Runs

30 double-unders

20 Burpees

-Set up a heavier load if available for the single odd-object carry, but weights that will allow you to complete 50m unbroken each time

-Move with purpose through the three movements

-Let’s use the 200m jog as recovery before getting back to the odd-object for swings

-Set up an odd-object weight for the swings that you could complete the set of 30 in 1 – 2 sets


If you have the equipment

Metcon (No Measure)

EMOM 30:

Minute 1: Machine Calories

Minute 2: Russian Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

Minute 3: Air Squats

Minute 4: Double Unders

Minute 5: AbMat Sit-ups

*40 Seconds of Work at Each Station


-Each movement effort should last :40 seconds long with a built in :20 rest in each minute

-No designated reps for any of the movements