CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Home WOD

Choose one. Follow with Body Armor

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

On the 0:00…

Round #1

5 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”:

50 Single Dumbbell Power Cleans

On the 8:00…

Round #2

4 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”

40 Dumbbell Goblet Squats

On the 16:00…

Round #3

3 Rounds of “Strict Cindy”

30 Alternating Single Arm Squat Clean Thrusters

1 round of ” Strict Cindy”:

5 Strict Pull-Ups

10 Push-ups

15 Air Squats

-This 3 part workout is scored separately, with the score being the sum of all three parts

-Enter your 3 times and they will be added together for you

-Choose weights and variations that enable you to complete each part in 5-7 minutes

-You will rest the remainder of the 8 minutes until the next part begins

-Each part begins on the 8 (0:00, 8:00, 16:00)

-With 5+ minutes of work and 1-3 minutes of rest, these won’t be all out sprints, rather repeats at about 85-90% of your max effort

-With rest built-in, let’s shoot for really large sets on the dumbbell movements

-Power Cleans and squat clean thrusters will alternate each rep


Single Dumbbell Power Clean (

Alternating Single Arm Squat Clean Thrusters (

Metcon (3 Rounds for time)

On the 0:00…

Round #1

5 Rounds of “Sindee”

50 Odd- Object Ground to Shoulder

On the 8:00…

Round #2

4 Rounds of “Sindee”

40 Odd-Object Squats

On the 16:00…

Round #3

3 Rounds of “Sindee”

30 Odd-Object Thrusters

1 round of “Sindee”:

10 Push-ups

20 Air Squats

-This 3 part workout is scored separately, with the score being the sum of all three parts

-Enter your 3 times and they will be added together for you

-Choose weights and variations that enable you to complete each part in 5-7 minutes

-You will rest the remainder of the 8 minutes until the next part begins

-Each part begins on the 8 (0:00, 8:00, 16:00)

-With 5+ minutes of work and 1-3 minutes of rest, these won’t be all out sprints, rather repeats at about 85-90% of your max effort

-With rest built-in, let’s shoot for really large sets on the odd-object movements

-Odd-Object ground to shoulder will alternate shoulders each rep


Odd-object ground to shoulder (

Odd-object squats (

Odd-object thrusters (

How to Create an Odd-object (

Body Armor

4 Giant Sets, Not for Score:

:30s Single Leg Hold (left)

:30s Single Leg Hold (right)

:30s Bird Dog (left)

:30s Bird Dog (right)

Rest as needed between sets.

Not for score, but for quality movement.

Single Leg Hold

Movement Demo – Video (

-Single leg focus, training hip flexor/midline strength

-Be aware of our midline here… lock down the rib cage

-Extend knee as best as we can, while maintaining engaged back (avoid hyperextension)

Bird Dog

Movement Demo – Video (

-If right arm comes up, left leg comes up

-Aim here is a straight line from raised fingers to toes

-Get “as long” as we can here

-Focus on keeping squared off at shoulders and hips – fight the rotation


If you have the equipment

Snake Bite (Time)

21-15-9: (12 Min Cap)

Power Snatch (Rx+= Squat Snatch) (95/65)

Pull-ups (Rx+= C2B)


-“Snake Bite” is a CompTrain Benchmark workout last completed on 9.30.19

-This higher skilled couplet workout should take between 5-12 minutes to complete


-Looking for a lighter barbell that you could complete the set of 21 in 1-2 sets when fresh

-Choose a pull-up variation that you could also complete the set of 21 in 1-2 sets when fresh

-Within the workout, you should be able to complete both of these movements in smaller sets – not single repetitions



-With a total body pull followed by an upper body pull, there will definitely be some interference between the two movements

-Break up the round of 21 in a way that sets you up for a strong round of 15

-With only 6 less reps than the opening round and some fatigue setting in, being able to stay moving efficiently through this middle round is the most important part of the workout

-Consider the potential rep schemes below for each movement


Round of 21

7 Sets: 3’s

6 Sets: 6-5-4-3-2-1

5 Sets: 5-4-4-4-4

4 Sets: 6-5-5-5

3 Sets: 7-7-7 or 8-7-6

2 Sets: 12-9

Round of 15

5 Sets: 3’s

4 Sets: 4-4-4-3

3 Sets: 5-5-5 or 6-5-4

2 Sets: 8-7

Round of 9

3 Sets: 3’s

2 Sets: 5-4

Body Armor

Metcon (No Measure)

3 Giant Sets:


Romanian Deadlifts*

Dumbbell Bench Press

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



-A “Giant Set” means that you’ll move with a purpose from one movement to the next while prioritizing quality over speed

-Our focus in the first part of Body Armor is on our grip strength, posterior chain, and upper body pressing

-Use one for the Romanian Deadlifts and one weight for the Dumbbell Bench Press across the 4 sets

Rest 2 minutes between sets


-We’ll use a barbell for the Romanian Deadlifts

-We’ll train our grip strength by gripping this barbell with a double overhead grip and without a hook grip

-Choose a weight that is challenging, but one that allows you to complete each set unbroken

-Click here for a demo video(

Metcon (No Measure)

Body Armor (B)

3 Giant Sets:

9 Strict Toes to Bar

15 GHD Sit-Ups

21s L-Sit on Paralettes



-In the second part of Body Armor, we’ll work through some high interference midline work

-Try to move with a purpose through the 9-15-21

-Rest as needed between after each set to maintain quality


Strict Toes to Bar: (

GHD Sit-ups: (

L-Sits: (