CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Never confuse movement, with action.” – Ernest Hemingway

We’ve all had that friend who is constantly busy. Always flying a million miles an hour, but… in all directions at once. And in turn, they find themselves in the same place a year later.

We don’t want to just “move” through life, just like how we don’t want to “exercise”. We *train*. And we train, because our reps have a purpose behind them. There’s something we’re building towards that specific, defined, and real. We know which direction we are going.

Let’s take that same discipline we have with our training outside the gym walls. Are there areas of life where we feel like we may be going through the motions? How can we refine them?

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Home WOD

Choose One

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 Strict Pull-ups

8 Burpees

12 Single Dumbbell Step Back Lunges



-Horizontal Ring Rows

-Barbell Rows (put the barbell in a rack – similar to ring row)

-Ring Pull-ups

-This workout is all about finding a rhythm and a way to keep moving for all 20 minutes

-The speed we begin with should be a speed we see ourselves holding through the 12-15 minute mark

Strict pull-ups will be the only movement we may break up today

-There is no wrong option here – chose a break up strategy that you see yourself being able to move the most and rest the least

-Let’s be mindful of the total accumulated volume of strict pull-ups as we move into 12-15+ rounds

-Burpees are standard with chest to ground and full hip extension at the top

-Let’s keep both hands on either side of the dumbbell held horizontally across the chest during the lunges

-Choose a weight that allows for unbroken reps (6 each side) through the whole 20 minutes

Your score will be total rounds +reps

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


8 Odd-Object Rows

8 Burpees

12 Odd-Object Step-Back Lunges


-How to Create an Odd-Object (

-Odd-Object Rows (

-Odd-Object Lunges (

-This workout is all about finding a rhythm and a way to keep moving for all 20 minutes

-The speed we begin with should be a speed we see ourselves holding through the 12-15 minute mark

-Odd-object rows will be the only movement we may break up today

-There is no wrong option here – chose a break up strategy that you see yourself being able to move the most and rest the least

-Let’s be mindful of the total accumulated volume of odd-object rows as we move into 12-15+ rounds

-Set up your odd-object weight to be a heavy and challenging weight

-Burpees are standard with chest to ground and full hip extension at the top

-Odd-object will be held horizontally across the chest during the lunges

-Choose a weight that allows for unbroken reps (6 each side) through the whole 20 minutes

-Your score will be total rounds +reps


If you have the equipment

Front Squat

Stamina Squats

On the Minute x 10:

1 Front Squat

3 Back Squats

Barbell loaded at 63% of your estimated 1RM Front Squat for all repetitions



-Week #1 of a 5 week squat cycle

-Each minute consists of a single front squat and three back squats

-Same weight is used throughout, and all reps come from the rack

-Today’s load is on the light/moderate side as we set the baseline

-Next week we will be building in percentages


Powerhouse (Time)

On the 5:00 x 5 Rounds:

15/12 Calorie Bike

15 Double Dumbbell Power Snatches (35’s/20’s)

9 Thrusters (135/95)



-Equal Calorie Row

-200 Meter Run


-You’ll complete the 3 listed movements for time and rest with whatever time remains until the next 5-minute window

-Rounds begin on the 0:00-5:00-10:00-15:00-20:00

-Record your time following the 9th thruster, as your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds

-We want these rounds to take less than 4 minutes to complete so you have at least 1 minute to rest


-Let’s choose a weight here that you can complete in 1-2 sets within the workout

-Both heads of the dumbbell should make contact with the floor


-The thruster weight is designed to be on the moderately heavy side

-This is a weight that is challenging, but one that you can complete unbroken for 9 reps within the workout



-With some rest built in, let’s move with a sense of urgency from movement to movement

-However, with your score being the slowest of the 5 rounds, let’s make sure to move at a sustainable pace from the beginning

-A helpful approach can be to establish your first round as your slowest, and then try to get 1 second faster with each round


-With each round beginning on the bike, start with a quick 3-5 second burst before settling into a moderately fast pace

-This should be a speed that you see yourself holding in rounds 3-5


-If you’re going to break one of the weight movements, make it the double dumbbell power snatches

-The weight returns to the floor on each rep anyways, so these breaks are fairly quick compared to the thrusters

-Get to rep 8 and see how you feel before breaking

-If you think you can hold on for another 7 without negatively affecting the thrusters, do it


-With just enough reps and some rest following the thrusters, see if you can hold on for unbroken sets throughout

-You can adjust your pace on the first two movements to better enable you to maintain 9 straight reps across the 5 rounds