CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Life is like sailing. You can use any wind to go in any direction.” – Robert Brault

Are we sailing North on purpose, or is it because the wind is taking us that way?

Life will throw its curveballs. It’s unseen illnesses, injuries, and schedule conflicts. But it is a choice to allow those to change our cardinal direction. There is always a way to continue in the direction we want.

When the challenge strikes, we don’t adjust the goal. We adjust the sails.

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Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


15 Hand-Release Pushups

18 Bent over Backpack Rows

21 Glute Bridges

Movement Videos

Bent Over Backpack Rows

How to Pack Your Backpack Efficiently for Movement

-Looking to get as many rounds and reps as possible in this 15 minute workout

-On the pushups we are looking for a full lock out of the arms at the top of the movement and hands off the ground at the bottom

-As we move through push-ups our body should go from the top to the bottom in a straight line through the movement

-If unable to complete 15 Hand release push-ups you can substitute knee push-ups

-Always preferring planned breaks over forced breaks keep this in mind when heading into this workout


If you have the equipment

Metcon (No Measure)

On the Minute x 20 (5 Sets of Each):

Minute 1: 15/12 Calorie Row

Minute 2: 10 Burpees

Minute 3: 20 Air Squats

Minute 4: 40 Second Hollow Hold
-Choose rep schemes for each minute that you can complete in around 45-50 seconds

-There is no rest between rounds