CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Well done is better than well said.” – Benjamin Franklin

Talk is cheap.
Anyone can talk.
Only the few, choose to do.

There will be a point today where we will feel compelled to express our thoughts to someone. Maybe it’s how something could be done better.

Press pause in that moment. “Ductus Exemplo” is a Latin phrase that translates to: “Lead by Example”. Actions will always speak louder than any words.

WD > WS.

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Bergeron Beep Test (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

On the Minute For as Long as Possible:

7 Thrusters (75/55)

7 Pull-ups

7 Burpees

After 10 Rounds: Add (1) Rep to Each Movement Every Round Until Failure

(10 rd minimum scaled)



-Reduce Reps

-Banded Pull-ups

-Ring Rows

-Jumping Pull-ups


-The “Bergeron Beep Test” is a CompTrain classic benchmark workout

-Every minute on the minute, you’ll complete 7 thrusters, 7 pull-ups, and 7 burpees

-If you’re able to complete 10 rounds, add one rep to each movement every round until you are no longer able to complete the work within the minute

-For Example:

Rounds 1-10: 7 Reps Each

Round 11: 8 Reps Each

Round 12: 9 Reps Each

Round 13: 10 Reps Each


-Your score is total completed rounds and reps

-The goal is to choose weights, rep schemes, and movement variations that allow you to complete at least 10 rounds


-The thruster barbell is designed to be very light

-This should be a weight that you are capable of stringing together 30+ reps unbroken when fresh


-Choose a pull-up number or variation that you can complete unbroken for at least the first 7-10 rounds of the workout


-With this being a benchmark workout, let’s aim for quality burpees today

-Standards: Chest and thighs to floor, small jump to full extension, and clap overhead



-The Beep Test isn’t about sprinting through rounds, rather finding a pace that you can sustain for 10+ rounds

-The goal of the first 10 rounds is to finish with some rest built in, but not too much

For Example:

-Sprinting through the 21 reps in 30 seconds will probably get your heart rate up more than you want it to

-Consider slowing your pace to finish these sets around 45 seconds, which gives you plenty of time to transition back to the barbell

-Your speed will have to increase once the reps start to increase after round 10

-Make sure your transition between movements are very short, as every second counts within these short windows


-Let’s try to complete these first two movements unbroken for as long as possible

-If you had to pick one to break later on as the difficulty increases, make it the pull-ups, as those are easier to get back on quickly after a break than the thrusters are


-The burpees are truly the pacer of the workout, and the only movement where we’re not holding onto something

-Early on, aim to complete smooth and controlled burpees

-Slowing down these reps a bit will help you thrive through the thrusters and the pull-ups

-As the reps increase or the time shrinks, we’ll have to pick up the burpee speed to successfully make it to the next round


3 Giant Sets:

10 Rower Pike Ups

30 Hollow Body Scissor Kicks

50′ Quadruped Crawl

Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets



-“Giant Sets” are big supersets where you move right from one movement to the next while prioritizing quality over speed

-We’ll rotate through 3 movements in today’s Midline piece

-Staying slow and controlled is the name of the game on these three movements

-Rest 2 minutes between sets to preserve quality movement


-Count 1 rep when you both feet have had a chance to pass over the top

-You can also think of these as 60 total reps (30 Each Leg)