CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Head, Heart, Hands.” – Jim Kwik

Every action originates as a thought in our head. But from there, thoughts of course don’t just materialize into existence in front of us. It doesn’t go “head to hands”. There’s a step between that decides if it’s going to actually happen: heart.

It’s the emotional connection. Our level of buy-in. We could have the most grandiose plan of all time, but if we aren’t bought in with our heart in full… we know it will never work.

It’s less about what we’re doing, and more about why we’re doing it. Our success is less about “which path”, and more about the level of commitment we bring to it.

As we move through our day, let’s consider this concept of Head, Heart, Hands. If we find ourselves struggling with something… a specific career, a relationship, a lifestyle… what is causing it? Are we bought in?

Head, Heart, Hands.
Our reasons are what will reap our results.

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Strict Handstand Push-Ups

HSPU with no added assistance from a kip.
Strict Handstand Push-ups:

On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:

1 Set of Strict Handstand Push-ups


-Pick a number of unbroken strict handstand push-ups that you think you can sustain for 5 rounds

-For Example: It might be you goal to hold 5 sets of 9 across the board

-The goal is consistency across rounds here, as the score is the lowest of the 5 rounds

-Rounds begin every 90 seconds (0:00 – 1:30 – 3:00 – 4:30 – 6:00)

-You can expect to have about a minute of rest between each set of strict handstand push-ups

-Choose a variation that allows you to complete at least 5 reps per set


-Feet on Box or Bench (Reduces Weight Being Pressed)

-Double Dumbbell Strict Press


The Undertaker (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


Buy-In: 1,000 Meter Row

Directly Into…

-5 Deadlifts (245/165)

-15 AbMat Sit-ups

-25 Double Unders


-This 13-minute workout begins with a buy-in effort on the


-The buy-in happens only once during the workout

-We expect the row to take between 3:30-5:00, leaving roughly 8:00-10:00 for the scored portion

-The scored portion of the workout is the total rounds and reps of deadlift, sit-up, and double under triplet


-We’re moving a moderate barbell load for 5 reps each round

-Choose a weight that you see yourself going unbroken with throughout the workout


-These double under sets are intended to be very small and quick

-Choose a number or variation that allows you to complete the work unbroken or in under 30 seconds



-The buy-in row doesn’t count towards our score, but it’s definitely not a throw away station

-Let’s find a pace here that supports continuous movement on the scored portion of today’s workout

-With 13 minutes of work, let’s hold a speed on the rower that you could see yourself maintaining for around that amount of time

-If we approach the row as it’s own workout, it might mean holding an aggressive speed early on that could negatively affect the work that follows


-The scored portion of the workout is a triplet piece that allows us to keep moving due to the rep scheme, combination of movements, and lack of interference

-On the deadlifts and double unders, let’s try to push for unbroken sets if possible

-The movement that helps us accomplish this is the AbMat Sit-ups

-Slow down your speed as needed to hit this goal

-You can use the sit-ups as a “moving rest” station, where you can reload the upper body and lower body for the more challenging movements that follow

-However, if you’re confident in going unbroken on the other two movements, feel free to maintain a normal speed on the sit-ups