CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.” – Reba McEntire

As we start our day, let’s think about these three.

Wishbone – Nothing is too great, or out of reach. Faith and doubt are both self-fulling prophecies.

Backbone – The unbreakable will to give our best, regardless of the circumstances. Through the lens of the growth-mindset, every outcome is an opportunity to become better.

Funnybone – We do life for one reason: to enjoy it. If we aren’t enjoying what we’re doing, we need to find something else. As Oscar Wilde writes, “Life is too short to take things seriously.” Let’s enjoy the ride.

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Metcon (No Measure)

5 Rounds:

2:30 of 10M Shuttle Run

Choice From One of the Below

Option 1:

1 Strict Ring Muscle-up

3 Kipping Ring Muscle-ups

5 Strict Ring Dips

Option 2:

40-50% Max Ring Muscle-ups

Option 3:

4 Pull-ups

3 Toes to Bar

2 Chest to Bar Pull-up

1 Bar Muscle-up


Strict Ring Muscle-up:

-Banded Strict Ring Muscle-up Drill: Video

-Ring Muscle-ups

-Jumping Ring Muscle-up

-Reduce Percentages

Strict Ring Dips:

-Banded Ring Dips

-Chest to Bar Pull-ups

-Reduce Reps


-Reduce Reps

-Banded Pull-ups

Toes to Bar:

-Reduce Reps

-Knees to Elbow / Chest / Waist

Bar Muscle-ups:

-Banded Bar Muscle-ups

-Jumping Bar Muscle-ups


Swole Cycle (AMRAP – Reps)

8 Rounds:

20 Seconds On

10 Seconds Off


-Strict Pull-ups

-10M Shuttle Run

-Strict Handstand Push-ups

-10M Shuttle Run


Strict Pull-ups:

-Banded Strict Pull-ups

Strict Handstand Push-ups:

-Handstand Push-ups with Feet on Box

-Double Dumbbell Strict Press

-“Swole Cycle” is a repeat workout from 8.13.2019

-The strict movements are the focus of this 4-station tabata workout

-You’ll complete all 8 rounds at the strict pull-ups before moving to the 8 rounds of the shuttle run, and so on…

-Your score at the end of the 16 minutes is the total reps completed during your work stations

-Choose strict pull-up and strict handstand push-up variations that allows you to complete at least 3-5 reps during each of the the 20 second windows



-On the strict movements, try to move for as much of the work window as possible without hitting a wall early on

-It’s helpful to envision what number you’ll be performing in the 5th or 6th interval and try to hold that across all rounds

-For Example: If you see yourself getting 5 reps in the 20 second window of round 5, see if you can hold 5 reps across from the first round

-With short work and rest windows, you can expect to sneak in 1-2 quick sets within the 20 seconds