CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Roses that are left unpruned can become a tangled mess of old and new canes, all competing for air and light.” – Elizabeth Roth

As the rose bush grows, it creates more buds that it can maintain. It doesn’t grow like a tree, as it’s physical size is limited, but the buds keep on coming. And if we don’t trim the buds down… the whole bush can exhaust itself and die.

Ideas are like rose buds. They constantly need to be “pruned” or trimmed. If we don’t trim our ideas, just like the rose bush, we can overwhelm ourselves.

Growth ideas are natural and it’s completely normal (and a very good thing) for new ones to come on a daily basis. But if we want to reach our full potential, it will require the pruning, trimming, and critical look on what needs to stay… and what needs to go.

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Metcon (Time)

Strict Handstand Push-ups (On the 0:00…)

For Time:

50 Strict Handstand Push-ups

5 Minute Time Cap


-Reduce Reps

-Max Reps in 5 Minutes

-Double Dumbbell Strict Press

-Feet on Box (Reduces Weight Being Pressed)

-Setting a baseline for strict handstand push-ups to start the day

-The first three pieces today are all to be performed on a running clock

-We have from the 0:00 – 5:00 for the strict handstand push-ups, giving us at least 2 minutes of rest before testing a max set of strict pull-ups on the 7:00

-While there is a 5-minute limit, you’ll have more rest if you finish the 50 reps before the cap

-If 50 reps seems like a lot to get done in 5 minutes, you can reduce the total volume, choose a variation, or simply see how many reps you can complete within the time frame

Strict Pull-Up

Strict Pull-Ups (On the 7:00…)

1 Set:

Max Unbroken Strict Pull-ups


-When the clock hits 7:00, you’ll have 3 minutes to complete 1 unbroken set of strict pull-ups

-Let’s only take one attempt at these, as it’s unlikely we’ll improve the second time around within such a short window

-Hold yourself to a high standard of strict movement to get an accurate idea of where you’re at on this movement

-Keep the lower body locked out, make sure to reach full extension at the bottom of each rep, and pass the chin over the top of the bar

-If you can get at least 1 rep without banded assistance, let’s complete these with full bodyweight

-If you’re unable to complete a strict pull-up without a band, choose the least amount of resistance that allows you to complete at least 1 rep


-Banded Strict Pull-up

Bubbles (Time)



8 Barbell Facing Burpees

25 Double Unders
(On the 10:00…)


-Working a simple and effective combination of bar facing burpees and double unders in today’s conditioning piece

-This workout starts at the 10 minute mark on the running clock

Bar Facing Burpees:

-Set up a bar with standard plates on it to elevate it off the ground

-Square up to the bar in the bottom of the burpee

-You can jump up or step up out of the burpee

-Take off and land with two feet for the jump over the bar

-Choose a double under variation or rep number that can ideally be completed unbroken each round


-This workout is all about finding a way to keep moving across the 12 minutes of work

-The way we stay moving as much as possible is by establishing a pace on the bar facing burpees that allows for as few sets as possible on the rope

-If you know double unders are going to be a tough movement, slow down the burpees

-For big picture pacing help, imagine doing bar facing burpees for 7 minutes straight

-That is likely the speed we’re trying to hold from the very beginning

-As far as efficiency goes, setting the rope neatly on the ground after each set of double unders makes for a much smoother transition

-Also, whenever you finish a movement, make it your goal to just start the next station

-Just drop down into the first burpee and just pick up the handles of the rope

-These immediate transitions keep you moving and help you feel like you’re always progressing in the right direction