CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
The musician doesn’t learn by listening. The musician learns by playing. It’s how the mind, in its ever plastic state, adapts. It responds to application.
In Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Learning”, we learn:
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we hear and see.
70% of what we say and write.
90% of what we actually participate in.
Information without application, is knowledge.
Information with application, is wisdom.
Metcon (No Measure)
Strict Handstand Push-ups
Strict Ring Dips (Scale= Double reps Bench Dips)
After Each Round: 100′ Handstand Walk (Scale= 5 Wall Walks)
-Working some high interference upper body pressing in this strict gymnastics piece
-With it being very high interference, break-up reps early and often to prevent flaming out early in the workout
-Choose variations for each pressing movement that you’re capable of completing 15+ reps unbroken when fresh
-Choose a handstand walk distance that you can complete in under 2 minutes each round
Castaway (Time)
For Time:
100 Air Squats
50/35 Calorie Row
25 Hang Power Snatches (115/80) (Rx+=155/105)
-Continuing to work the hang power snatch, now in this short sprint chipper
-We expect the 3-movement workout to take somewhere between 8-15 minutes to complete
-Looking for a moderate barbell loading in “Castaway”
-This should be a weight that you can cycle sets of 5-7 at a time during the workout
-The air squats are the least important part of the workout, essentially serving as the buy-in
-Find one pace that you can hold from reps 0-100 and that allows you to maintain a strong leg drive while rowing
-Once on the rower, move at a moderate pace that allows you to minimize the number of sets needed to complete the 25 reps on the barbell
-A faster speed row can easily be lost with multiple long breaks between sets on the barbell
-Find a balance between speed here and speed on the barbell
-The workout is all about the hang power snatches, as this is the only place we’ll stop moving today
-Because they come from the hang position and not the floor, expect to hold on for larger sets
-Fight for bigger sets and short breaks knowing there is nothing else to follow
-Here are several options on how to approach the 25 reps:
2 Sets: 15-10
3 Sets: 10-8-7
4 Sets: 7-6-6-6
5 Sets: 7-6-5-4-3 or 5-5-5-5-5