CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Live life on purpose” – Simon Sinek

As simple as this sounds, every action we take in our lives should have a clear and defined purpose.

As an analogy, let’s use money. When we spend money, there’s a reason. Food for tonight’s dinner, a new pair of shoes, gasoline. It’s very easy to justify. We would never throw our money into the wind. Yet… we can often find ourselves doing so with our time.

Unlike money, which can cycle back around on the next paycheck, we don’t get restocked on time. Be it a morbid thought, we know our days here are limited… time is our most precious, irreplaceable resource.

As we move through our day, take an objective look at the actions we take. Like a CFO analyzing a day of business, reflect tonight on where we spent our time. Because at “years-end-summary”, when our time comes… let’s be proud about how we chose to spend those resources. We only get one chance to do so.

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Metcon (Time)

For Time:

500 Meter Row, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 2 Deadlifts

500 Meter Row, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 4 Deadlifts

500 Meter Row, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 6 Deadlifts

500 Meter Row, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 8 Deadlifts

500 Meter Row, 15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups, 10 Deadlifts

Barbell: 225/155

-Working through a well balanced triplet workout today: one part mono-structural, one part gymnastics, one part barbell

-The deadlifts increase in reps each round, for a total of 30 reps

-This should be a heavier load, but one that you could complete 10+ reps unbroken when fresh

-The pull-up variation and deadlift weight should be something that can be completed within 3 sets during the workout