CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“I don’t like that man. I should get to know him better.” – Abraham Lincoln

Perspective is everything.

In the abundance mindset, there is the belief all human beings are good. No one is born evil. The differences, between a terrorist and a police officer, are not malintentions. Both in their own mind, believe they are doing “the right thing”. The difference between the two are their interpretations, and understanding, of the world. Massive differences, but still at the root, perspectives.

A situation we can all relate to from some point in our lives, is poor first impression. An introduction to someone who… you’d rather not spend another second on. After the interaction, you want to distance yourself as far away as possible. Yet, life puts us right back next to them, not by choice, but by chance.

And we talk. And we strike some common ground. And we understand. We may not be close friends, but the brief amount of time we spent with them afforded us the chance to better understand their perspective.

Next time we find ourselves feel the wave of animosity towards someone, remind ourselves… we just need to get to know them a little bit better.

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Metcon (No Measure)

3 Sets Each Side:

7 Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press

7 Single Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row


Metcon (Time)

For Time:

21 Overhead Squats (95/65) (Rx+=115/85)

21 Deadlifts (155/105) (Rx+=185/135)

18 Overhead Squats

18 Deadlifts

15 Overhead Squats

15 Deadlifts

12 Overhead Squats

12 Deadlifts

9 Overhead Squats

9 Deadlifts

After Each Barbell Movement: 30 Double Unders

-We’ll use two different barbells for today’s workout

-After each movement is complete (10 times), you’ll complete 30 double unders before moving back to the bar


-Looking for a lighter overhead squat weight – something that you could complete each set with no more than one break


-The deadlift is intended to be on the lighter side today

-This should be a weight that we could very well complete every set unbroken if fresh, but will likely break up into many sets to help pace things out


-Choose a double under rep number or variation that you can complete in around 30 seconds each round

-A few ways to modify volume:

-Complete 30 Double Under After Each Set of Deadlifts (5 Sets Instead of 10)

-Reduce Reps

-30 Seconds of Practice