CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Gym Rat (hoodie wearing kinda workout) (Time)

– 4 x 15 each bench press, close grip bench press Rx: 65/45; Rx+: 95/65

– 15 each db curls super set (done back to back non stop or with minimal rest) standing curls, reverse curls, hammer curls. alternating cross body Rx: 20/15, Rx+: 30/20

– 15 each db triceps super set kick backs (both arms), single arm overhead extensions, on bench: alternating cross body, skull crushers Rx: 20/15; Rx+: 30/20

– use a split stance

– shoulders retracted

– elbows pinned

– full RoM w/o rocking keep muscles tense to lock out and protect joints


– keep elbows tight to body

– pivot at elbow , no rocking