CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“People fail to achieve mastery, not because they aren’t talented, but because they aren’t disciplined.” – Daniel Ping
Our greatest strength as humans: Malleability.
Like playdough, the human being can mold and remold to whatever it desires to be. It’s incredible when you really think about it.
Yet over time, we can forget that, and say things like “I’m too old for that”, or, “I’ll never be able to do that”. Our playdough stays in a certain form for so long, it hardens. And we can barely move it, if at all.
However, if we carefully do it, we can get the playdough to soften. One droplet of water at a time, with patience, it starts to move again. The playdough is restored, and takes whatever shape it wants next.
What is important here is that the playdough, even when in its most hardened state… was always playdough.
Back Squat
On the 1:30 x 6 Sets:
1 Pausing Back Squat (3 Seconds in bottom)
1 Back Squat
Sets #1+2 – 65%
Sets #3+4 – 70%
Sets #5+6 – 75%
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds For Time: (20 Min Cap)
30/24 Calorie Row
20 Single DB Box Step-Ups (24″/20″)
10 Squat Cleans (135/95)
Dumbbell: 50/35
-Focus is on weights today, specifically on getting below parallel with the barbell.
-Light dumbbell on the box step-ups, where we are confident all three sets will be unbroken.
-Moderate weight on the barbell, where we are confident when fresh, we could complete 12+ unbroken.
-Squat cleans are the focal point, and where we have the most potential to make up ground on.
-Row pace is strong at the start to get moving, but immediately settle in to a sustainable pace.
-Box step-ups are smooth and methodical, with one steady pace for all three rounds.
-Squat cleans is where we make our push, aiming for either consistent sets, or fast singles from the onset. Remind ourselves that we can recover on the next row. We just need to get there.