CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living, or get busy dying”. – Andy Dufrense, The Shawshank Redemption
Last week, we thought through the meaning of how “Crisis” is written in Chinese. Two symbols, translating to “danger”, and “opportunity”.
A third word to add comes from the Greek “krisis”, where the English word originated from. In Greek, “krisis” translates to “choice”.
Adversity will change us, but *how* it changes is us the “krisis” – the choice. Are we choosing to learn from our challenges, leading to wisdom, growth, and depth? Or do we choose to become hardened and bitter?
Danger, Opportunity, Choice.
Strict Pull-Up
5 Sets, Not For Time:
60 Unbroken Double Unders
40% Unbroken Strict Pull-ups
Snake Bite (Time)
21-15-9: (12 Min Cap)
Power Snatch (Rx+= Squat Snatch) (95/65)
Pull-ups (Rx+= C2B)
-You’ll complete a CompTrain Benchmark workout
-On a 12-minute running clock, start by completing “Snake Bite” for time
-Choose a light weight for the barbell – something you could complete the opening set of 21 in 1-2 sets when fresh
-Choose a pull-up number or variation that you could also complete the opening set of 21 in 1-2 sets when fresh
-Both of these movements are all about setting yourself up for a strong set of 15
-Break up the set of 21’s in a way that allows you to minimize time spent not moving, especially in the second round
Squat Snatches & Chest to Bar Pull-ups
7 Sets: 3’s
6 Sets: 6-5-4-3-2-1
5 Sets: 5-4-4-4-4
4 Sets: 6-5-5-5
3 Sets: 7-7-7 or 8-7-6
2 Sets: 12-9
5 Sets: 3’s
4 Sets: 4-4-4-3
3 Sets: 5-5-5 or 6-5-4
2 Sets: 8-7
3 Sets: 3’s
2 Sets: 5-4