CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk” – Doug Larsen
When we hear the phrase “communication skills”, we’re often thinking about the ability to express themselves. To that, maybe we should call that exactly that – “expression skills”.
Although expression skills is part of communication, it’s one half at best. Great communicators are far better listeners, than speakers.
“Empathy” is the focus in great communication. Understanding where the other is coming from by placing ourselves in their shoes, genuinely. Free of judgement, and fully present to connect.
The paradigm shift is this: instead of eagerly awaiting your turn to speak, eagerly await your turn to listen.
Front Squat
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
Set 1: 6 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 4 Reps @ 78%
Set 3: 2 Reps @ 84%
Set 4: 4 Reps @ 78%
Set 5: 6 Reps @ 70%
-Complete the listed reps and rest until the top of the next 2 minute window
-Rounds begin on the 0:00 – 2:00 – 4:00 – 6:00 – and 8:00
-Percentages are based off your 1RM Front Squat
Workaholic (Time)
3 Rounds:
30/20 Calorie Row
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Directly Into…
3 Rounds:
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
15 Front Squats (95/65)
Chest to Bar Pull-ups:
-Reduce Reps
-Chin Over Bar Pull-ups
-Banded or Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-ups
-There is no rest between these 3-round couplet workouts
-Looking for these 6 total rounds to take around 15-20 minutes to complete
-Choose a chest to bar pull-up rep number or variation that allows you to complete the 15 reps within 3 sets
-Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to complete the 20 snatches within 2 sets
-Choose a squat weight that allows you to complete the 15 reps within 2 sets
Part 1
-There is a lot of pulling involved in the first 3 rounds of this workout
-On the row, focus on driving with the legs to minimize the strain on the arms
-This will help you better thrive through the chest to bar pull-ups
-With 45 total reps, find a break-up strategy that you can hold throughout and that minimizes time spent not moving
2 Sets: 8-7
3 Sets: 6-5-4 or 5-5-5
Part 2
-The tougher movement of part 2 will likely be the Squats
-In order to set yourself up for strong sets on the barbell, move at a smooth pace on the dumbbell
-If switching hands in the air is something that is going to cause your heart rate to skyrocket and force you to break the 20 reps into several sets, switching hands on the floor might be the better option
-While switching hands on the floor might be slower, you’re moving the whole time and keeping the heart rate lower
-Fight hard on the thrusters, shooting for 1-2 sets:
1 Set: 15
2 Sets: 8-7