CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The world as we have created it, is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein

If our world is full of joy, that’s our own construction.
If our world is full of desperation, that’s our own construction.
Whatever our world is, is a process of our current thinking.

To change our world, as Albert Einstein writes, we must change our thinking. Change our core beliefs. Our identity.

If we happen to realize that our thinking has put us into downward spirals at times, this is an enormous victory. Because just as our thinking has manifested problems we may have today, we now realize it can now manifest the solutions.

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“Pineapple Express” Part A (On the 0:00) (Time)

For Time (12 Minute Cap):

50/35 Calorie Row

50 Strict Handstand Push-ups

-This is part 1 of a 3-part running clock workout

-Part A begins on the 0:00, Part B on the 15:00, and Part C on the 30:00

-This part has a 12 minute cap to allow for at least 3 minutes of rest before the next part

-Choose a calorie number that allows you to complete the row in 4 minutes or less

-In order to complete the prescribed number of strict handstand push-ups, we recommend that you have at least 10+ reps unbroken when fresh

-You can drop the total number of reps or substitute:

-Handstand Push-ups with Feet on Box (Reduced Weight Being Pressed)

-Double Dumbbell Strict Press


-This workout is all about finding the appropriate break-up strategy for you on the strict handstand push-ups

-Look for a rep number to hold in the first 25 reps that you think you’ll be able to hold in the last 25 reps

-If you break before you reach the slow press-outs, you’ll be in good shape to take a short rest and get back up on the wall

“Pineapple Express” Part B (On the 15:00) (Time)

For Time (10 Minute Cap):

35 GHD Sit-ups

100′ Handstand Walk

25 GHD Sit-ups

75′ Handstand Walk

15 GHD Sit-ups

50′ Handstand Walk


GHD Sit-ups:

-Dumbbell Weighted AbMat Sit-ups

-21-15-9: Toes to Bar

Handstand Walk

-Reduce Distance

-Handstand Walk Practice

-Handstand Weight Shifting

-Box Shoulder Taps

-Part B begins at the 15:00 mark on the running clock

-This part has a 10 minute cap, allowing for at least 8 minutes of rest before our last section

-To get the intended stimulus, the handstand walk distances should take around 2:00, 1:30, and 1:00 to complete respectively

-If you kick down from a handstand walk, start your next attempt with your hands in the same spot they finished in


-The handstand walk will likely be the real sticking point of Part B, especially coming off the 50 strict handstand push-ups before

-Just like in the first part, it’s not necessarily about trying to knock out large sets

-If you find yourself having to rest a ton in anticipation of completing a long walk, it might be better to just chip away at small chunks

-These quick sets can prevent excess shoulder fatigue and enable you to rest less

“Pineapple Express” Part C (On the 30:00) (Time)

3 Rounds (10 Minute Cap):

400 Meter Run

21 Burpees

-Rounding out the three part workout with a a slightly different take on a CompTrain Benchmark workout, “Surfer on Acid”

-This simple couplet workout is designed to be simple and fast


-A good question to ask yourself before starting this workout is, “How fast can I go in round 1 without having to slow down in round 2?”

-With simple movements, we want to push the intensity here – but not so much that things slow down in rounds 2 and 3

-The way you get fitter and get the best time you can is to hold fast, but sustainable rounds across the board today

-Keep an eye on your round times and evaluate how you paced things out following the workout