CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness. It usually comes back to you.” – Anonymous

Science has shown us that giving, or kindness, elicits that one of the most powerful emotions we can feel. But what is even more interesting, is that it’s literally contagious.

Think back to the last time you saw *someone else* doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple as holding the door open at the store for an elderly customer. Or when another randomly buys the next person in line behind them their coffee as they stand in line. Think back to those moments… how did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel, more generous?

If kindness is contagious, we just need to start the chain.

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Shoulder Press (5 x 3)


-This is a repeat from last week, 8.13.19

-The goal today is to beat your previous score


Squeeze Hard

We get the most out of these strict presses not by lifting the most weight, but by moving as well as possible with heavy weights. Rather than getting a little help from the hips or arching the back a little bit, let’s try to stay as vertical as possible. One way to keep the legs out of it and stay vertical is to squeeze the belly, butt, and quads tight during the whole lift.


Warmup Sets

Take 3-4 Lighter Sets to Build to 1st Working Weight


30 Rock (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)

30 Push Presses (95/65)

200 Meter Run

30 Toes to Bar

-Bigger overhead focus today in this longer AMRAP piece

-Looking to choose weights and variations that get you in the 2+ to 3+ round range

-Choose weights on the kettlebell swings and push press that you can complete within 2-3 sets

-Choose a toes to bar variation that you can complete in 3-5 sets within the workout


-This workout is all about finding a consistent break-up strategy to carry you across the 20 minutes of work

-Taking short, calculated breaks can sometimes allow you to move faster than bigger sets with longer breaks

-Consider the following break-up strategies:

Kettlebell Swings (2-3 Sets):

2 Sets: 15-15

3 Sets: 12-10-8 or 10-10-10

Push Press (2-4 Sets):

2 Sets: 15-15

3 Sets: 12-10-8 or 10-10-10

4 Sets: 8-8-7-7

Toes to Bar (3-5 Sets):

3 Sets: 12-10-8 or 10-10-10

4 Sets: 8-8-7-7

5 Sets: 8-7-6-5-4