CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.” – David Oglivy

One of the most dangerous things we can do in life: to dream too small.

What stops dreamers from dreaming, is fear.

We can convince ourselves that we don’t have what it takes. That we’re not ready yet. That we’re too young or too old.. This fear, in and of itself, is the dream killer. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy from that point forward, as we can’t accomplish what we can’t believe.

It doesn’t start with the dream. It starts with the belief. The belief that we deserve to step up to the plate, and put the ball over the fences.

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Athletes Notes

Barbell Cycling

For Time:

10 Squat Cleans (45%)

8 Squat Cleans (55%)

6 Squat Cleans (65%)

4 Squat Cleans (75%)

2 Squat Cleans (85%)


This barbell conditioning piece uses your 1RM Clean to determine weights used

For example, if you have 1RM Clean of 300 lbs, your weights would go: 135-165-195-225-255

Use one barbell and change weights after you finish the prescribed reps


The first 18 reps of the workout are much lighter than the last 12

While it’s tempting to bank a lot of time at the lighter weights, we also want to make sure you’re composed for the heavier sets at the end

Move at a controlled pace on the first 2 bars to allow yourself to thrive on the last 3

This likely means steady singles from the beginning of the workout

Use the weight changes as an opportunity to catch your breath and recover a bit for the next weight jump

Squat Clean


IHOP (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



60 Double Unders

30/24 Calorie Row

5 Power Cleans (165/115)

5 Hang Squat Cleans (165/115)

5 Squat Cleans (165/115)

Kilos: 75/52


Find a moderate weight on the barbell that you’ll be able to cycle for quick singles on the cleans

This weight should be somewhere around 50-55% of your 1RM Clean

Looking to complete 3+ rounds today


The main thing to consider today is how to attack the barbell

With the power clean and squat cleans coming from the floor, these are likely best attacked as quick singles

With the hang squat cleans happening from above the knee, aim to complete this movement in 1-2 sets

5 unbroken or 3-2 will be popular options here

Aim to complete the double unders in 1-2 sets and find a moderate pace on the rower than allows you to maintain your barbell strategy


Double Unders

Reduce Reps

1 Minute of Practice

90 Single Unders