CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” -Albert Einstein

We don’t get what we want.
We get what we expect.

The world will treat us the way we expect to be treated. If we believe it’s “dog eat dog”, and “every man for himself”, then we are doomed to believe so. The lens we’ll see through will be of defensiveness, comparison, and general hostility… even when it’s not even there to begin with.

But the opposite can also be true.
Our expectations become our realities.
It’s not good enough to want it. We have to believe it.

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Optimus Prime (AMRAP – Reps)


-Wallballs (20/14)

*Every minute on the minute do 5 Deadlifts (225/155)

-“Optimus Prime” is a CompTrain Benchmark workout last completed on October 26, 2018

-The workout starts on the wallballs

-At the top of every minute, complete 5 deadlifts before moving back to the ball

-Score is total wallballs

-Choose a weight on the deadlift you can go unbroken with

-Choose a wallball weight you can get 12+ unbroken reps each round


-Since the workout starts on the wallballs, the first minute will be the best chance to complete the biggest set of the day

-After the first round, shoot for 1-2 sets per minute

-Have a goal in mind going into the workout on how many reps or for how many seconds you want to hold on for

-With 45-50 seconds to work on the ball, this number is likely in the 12-24 rep range

-Go unbroken for the 5 deadlift reps and transition back to the ball quickly


“U” Not “I’s”

A small adjustment that makes a big difference on the wallball is placing the hands underneath the ball instead of on the outsides. This allows you to transfer more energy from the lower half into the throw. When the hands are outside, some of that power is lost in the transition from squat to press. The hands should look more like one “U” than two separate “I’s”.


Metcon (Calories)

5 Rounds

50′ Heavy Sled Push

30 Seconds Max Calorie Row

-Alternating back and forth for 5 round between 50 foot sled pushes and 30 seconds of a hard row

-The effort on the sled and rower are designed to be fast

-Your choice on sled weight

-Pick one sled weight to use for all five rounds

-This should be a moderately heavy weight that you can run with and complete in roughly 30 seconds

-The score today is total calories across the five sets on the rower


-There is roughly 5 minutes of work between the sled and the rower (2:30 per movement)

-Try to hold a pace on the rower that you envision yourself holding for a 1,000 meter time trial