CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally, astound ourselves.” -Thomas Edison
Sometimes we simply need to get out of our way. We are capable of so much more than we’ll ever know. What stops us – fear and doubt.
We have voices inside our head, trying to keep us safe. But waiting on the other side of that, is the absolute astonishment that Thomas Edison speaks about.
Many have the incorrect pre-disposition that this quote doesn’t apply to them. That they don’t have the natural talent, or the born ability, to reach greatness. But that thought, in and of itself, is the reason why they aren’t yet great. That thought alone will stop what truly creates greatness – passionate, unrelenting, hard work.
This quote applies not to somebody else, but you. Silence the voice that doubts, and put on the championship performance. As simple as that sounds, if we can do it, we’ll find what Edison writes about. We’ll stand in awe of what we are capable of.
Monkey Business (Time)
4 Rounds:
400 Meter Run
20 Dumbell Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35)
15 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
-500 Meter Row
-Reduce Reps
-Chin Over Bar Pull-ups
-Balanced conditioning piece today – containing one mono-structural, weightlifting, and gymnastics movement
-Looking for a dumbbell weight that we’ll complete with 1 break maximum
-Switch arms every 5 reps on the dumbbell hang clean and jerks
-Choose a pull-up rep number or variation you can complete in 2-3 sets
-Run at a pace that allows you to go big on the inside movements
-Try to get the hang clean and jerks done with one break maximum (20 unbroken or 10-10)
-Switching arms every 5 reps is a good incentive to hold on for large sets, as one side is always resting
-The size of the pull-up matters less than limiting time spent resting
-Shoot for 1-3 quick sets, keeping breaks to a minimum (15, 8-7, 6-5-4)
-Following the pull-ups is about 2 minutes of running where the arms can recover
Dumbbell Hang Clean and Jerk; Grip:
If your hand is large enough, using the hook grip here can be beneficial. Especially with pull-ups to follow, it can take some of the forearm burn out of the movement and allow you to use more hip power. If you’re not able to hook grip, the next best option is to try and get the knuckles under the handle so they point towards the ground.
Metcon (No Measure)
Body Armor
3 Supersets:
10 Dumbbell Bench Press
35 Low Banded Rows
Rest 2 Minutes Between Sets
-Upper body focused body armor session
-Superset means you’ll move directly from the bench to the rows and rest for 2 minutes after
-Choose a dumbbell weight and band tension that allows you to complete the work with no more than one break per set
-Your choice whether to build in weight/tension or stay the same across
For the Dumbbell Bench:
-Face the palms away from the body
-Touch the chest at the bottom
-Touch the inside bells together at lockout