CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Movement Prep

Warmup Round 1:

20 Second Handstand Hold on Wall

10 Walking Lunge Steps (No Weight)

Warmup Round 2:

Performed With Lighter Dumbbell:

1-2 Handstand Walk Attempts

4 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (Each Arm)

Warmup Round 3:

Performed With Opening Weight Dumbbell:

1 Handstand Walk Attempt

4 Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (Each Arm)


Metcon (Weight)

Alternating For 15 Minutes:

Station A: Handstand Walk Practice

Station B: 50′ Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge

-Alternating between two different overhead skill movements

-The goal here is to build confidence with our positioning upside down and with the dumbbell overhead

-As a rough guideline, look to spend about 1:30 on each movement

-This puts you right at 5 times at each station in the 15 minute window

-For the single dumbbell overhead walking lunge, choose weight that you can complete 25′ lengths unbroken

-Turn around at 25′ and come back with the other arm

-You can build in weight across the 15 minutes, but keep it to weights that allow for solid positioning

-For the lunge, the back knee must touch the ground on each rep and you must stand to full extension between steps

-Score is heaviest dumbbell used for the lunge


-Handstand Walks: Rotate the hands out slightly. This subtle rotation can increase wrist mobility and allow you to lean further forward. The better lean you have, the easier it is to successfully move forward down the floor.

-Dumbbell Overhead Lunge: Rotate the armpit forward with the elbow locked by the ear. This externally rotated position is the most stable position for the should to support the dumbell.


Handstand Walk

30-60 Second Nose to Wall Handstand Hold on -Wall

-2-3 Wall Walks

-Handstand Walk Toward the Wall (Start Close and Work Your Way Back)


Movement Prep

Warmup Round 1:

2 Rounds:

5 Calorie Row

10 Double Unders


With Lighter Dumbbell:

6 Dumbbell Deadlifts (Each Side)

3 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

6 Dumbbell High Pulls (Each Side)

3 Lateral Dumbell Burpees

6 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches

Warmup Round 2:

5 Calorie Row

10 Double Unders


4 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (Workout Weight)

2 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

Cool Whip (Time)

3 Rounds:

21/15 Calorie Row

75 Double Unders

Directly Into…

3 Rounds:

20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)

12 Lateral Dumbbell Burpees

-Completing two separate couplet workouts with no rest between

-Finish all three rounds of the calorie row and double unders before moving on to the dumbbell snatches and lateral dumbbell burpees

-Choose a double under variation that you can complete in less than 90 seconds

-Pick a dumbbell weight that you can complete in 1-2 sets per round if switching hands in the air

-Alternate hands every rep on the dumbbell and touch both heads of the bell to the floor

-Pass the feet over the top of the dumbbell in the burpee, taking off and landing with two feet


-In each couplet, we want to spend as much time moving as possible

-Adjust your pace on the row and the burpees (movement you won’t break up) to go for large sets on the double unders and dumbbell snatches (movements you would break up)

-If you are confident with going for big sets on the double unders and dumbbell snatches, you can afford to go a little faster on the row and burpees

-Aim for consistency of speed across the three rounds of each section


-Dumbbell Snatches: Just like on the dumbbell overhead walking lunge, look to finish each dumbbell snatch with a strong locked out punch of the elbows next to the ear


Double Unders:

-Reduce Reps

-90 Seconds of Practice

-120 Single Unders