CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The purpose of a goal is not to achieve the goal. The purpose of a goal is to become more.” -Tony Robbins

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Back Squat (3-Rep Heavy)


10 × Bar

5 × 50%

3 × 65%

3× 70%

Then build to a heavy set of 3.


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

75 Double-Unders

50 Air Squats

25/18 Calorie Row
A 3-round sprint effort that comes down to the cycle time of our movements for our top times.

To start, looking at the three movements, the most important may be the double-unders. This is the only movement of the three that we may actually stop. With excessive trip ups, seconds can disappear here. On the air squats and rowing calories, constantly moving forward will take nothing but effort… even if we are moving slow. But if we mismanage the rope, we can find ourselves re-starting the movement with seconds disappearing. With the rope being the focal point to start, we can back into the other movements.

The next place to focus is the row. We want to be aggressive here, but all in relation to our jump rope. If we speed through our calories but trip up 3+ times on the ensuring set of double-unders, this is of course is counter productive. Our push on the row is relative to how confident we are that we can hold large sets on the following jump rope. This is our second focus point as it can be tempting to push here. Unless we are pushing into higher calorie ranges, the difference may be negligible between a very hard pace and a manageable pace. Seconds yes, but not dozens of seconds. A dozen second on the other hand can disappear very quickly on the jump rope.

A third focus point is the air squats. This is a movement we can push to a point where we’re confident it won’t negatively impact the other two. Although a movement we can speed up, what is more important than absolute speed here is consistency across the rounds.