CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I’ll remember. Involve me, and I’ll learn.” – Benjamin Franklin
The musician doesn’t learn by listening. The musician learns, by playing. It’s how the mind, in its ever plastic state, adapts. It responds to application.
In the “Cone of Learning” (Edgar Dale), we learn:
10% of what we read.
20% of what we hear.
30% of what we see.
50% of what we hear and see.
70% of what we say and write.
90% of what we actually participate in.
Information without application, is knowledge.
Information with application, is wisdom.
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
HSPU with no added assistance from a kip.
10 Sets:
40% of Max Strict HSPU
Inside this repetition scheme, we are aiming to rest as little as possible between the sets, all the while maintaining unbroken sets.
If for example, we have 20 unbroken strict handstand pushups, our workout is 10 rounds of 8 unbroken strict handstand pushups for time.
On the other side, if we have 5 or less reps, we can actually modify up. If we are completing for example 10 sets of 2 reps, we can modify to 3, or even 4 if we see fit. Let’s choose the appropriate option here so that we are challenging ourselves. If we are not completing strict reps today (to the floor), we have two options:
1)Elevated Platform Strict HSPU
2)Strict Presses with Dumbbells
If we move towards the elevated platform, we want to be wary of what the platform can train – that specific range of motion. If it is to build comfort and confidence in the HSPU, that’s a good thing. But to build capacity, we want to recognize, that the full range of motion trumps in almost all situations.
Slap Happy (3 Rounds for reps)
“Slap Happy” Part #1
In a 5:00 Window…
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
12 Overhead Squats (95/65)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 5:00
“Slap Happy” Part #2
In a 5:00 Window…
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
8 Overhead Squats (115/85)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 5:00
“Slap Happy” Part #3
In a 5:00 Window…
100 Double-Under Buy-In
Time remaining, AMRAP:
4 Overhead Squats (135/95)
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Score will be total rounds of OHS and burpees in each part. The double-unders do not contribute towards the score in each round. Adding in (3) scores on the main page, the system will compute the sum total for us.
For clarification, we have 3 x AMRAP 5, rest 5.
In each part, we have a 100 double-under buy-in to each round. In the time remaining inside the AMRAP, we’ll accumulate max rounds of the overhead squats and burpee box jump overs. As the parts move on, the weight increases while the reps decrease. The burpee box jump overs stay fixed per round at (4).
Stimulus wise, we are looking for the following:
Part #1 – A loading we could cycle for 25+ reps unbroken, when fresh.
Part #2 – A loading we could cycle for 20+ reps unbroken, when fresh.
Part #3 – A loading we could cycle for 15+ reps unbroken, when fresh.
In each set, throughout all three parts, we are aiming for unbroken overhead squats. This is a number where each set will become challenging, but the effort of dropping the bar from overhead to the eventual second snatch will add a significant amount. As we get the bar overhead, from round 1 to the end, let’s commit to unbroken sets.
In turn, relative to our overhead squat ability, we need to ensure that we are entering each squat set with enough strength to make it through. We do that in two places – before picking the bar up (composure breath), and management on the burpee box jump overs.
On the break before the bar, give ourselves a breath to compose ourselves. Let’s not wait for perfect, but let’s commit to each set before picking up the bar. At these loads, for these set counts, we will be challenged… but it won’t start until deep in the set where we are only a couple of reps from completion. But nonetheless, let’s commit to each set through a recomposure breath at the start of each.
On the burpee box jump overs, let’s slow our pace a bit here so that we have our best for the barbell.