CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds:

7 DB Clusters 55/35

7 C2B Pull-ups
This version is Rx for today. Lucky 7’s will be the Rx+ workout today.

Lucky 7’s (Time)

5 Rounds:

7 DB Clusters 70’s/50’s

7 Bar Muscle-ups
Inside today’s workout, we have the dumbbell cluster. In full, both dumbbells start on the ground. The movement is a ground to overhead movement, passing through a squat. In other words, a “squat clean thruster”. Stimulus wise, it is a loading that we are confident we could complete 10+ repetitions unbroken, when fresh. Heavy and challenging, but not a load where we are reduced to slower singles during the workout. We feel confident that we can move through all sets with one break (4-3 as an example).

Standard wise, only a single head of the dumbbells need to touch the ground (if we are completing touch and go repetitions).

This combination will become grip intensive. Although pacing our met-con is a natural place for us to hone in on, movement and technique here today is critical. The dumbbell cluster is a movement that demands mobility and sound positioning. “Muscling” our way through repetitions early in this workout is exponentially more costly than with a barbell, given the need to stabilize two objects versus a single. Take extra time in our preparation phase to dial in this movement, as we can’t afford to muscle the reps today.

In the many parts of the dumbbell cluster, the focus is the rack position. In the receiving of the bells, it is paramount to find the back head of the dumbbell on the shoulder. In other words – to rack it. With dumbbells, we’ll naturally need to work more in the front rack position than compared to a barbell, but the better we can get that weight on the shoulders… the better we preserve our strength for the bar muscle-ups. And we need that to find our best time today. Despite the weights being on the heavier side, slow things down a bit if we need to during the receiving and squat portion. Priority number one, over an explosive squat our of the hole, is finding the weight to the shoulders. Otherwise, our upper body will be in for a long ride.


Metcon (No Measure)

5 Rounds:

5 Deadlifts (70%)

8 Bench Press (70%)