CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.” – Mario Andretti

When we are truly going for it, there is an unmistakable sense of being slightly out of control.

The author of this quote, Mario Andretti, is one of the most successful racecar drivers of all time. To bank turns at speeds that could without question kill, and do it with this mindset, speaks to the feeling of chasing down something great.

Anything worth doing, will illicit really, really uncomfortable feelings. The separating factor is our ability to settle in the eye of the storm. To find our calm, and to dive into the next turn at 100 mph… even when we don’t know for sure what’s around the next bend. Do we get lost in the chaos, or does our focus and commitment to our true north continue our path forward?

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Back Squat

6 Reps @ 69%

3 Reps @ 74%

6 Reps @ 69%

3 Reps @ 79%

6 Reps @ 69%

3 Reps @ 84%

Rest up to 2 minutes between sets.

This is week 3 of 3 in this rep progression. Next week, we will be adjusting to our second phase, with a new repetition and percentage scheme.

Back Squat


Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds:

50′ Single Arm OH Walk (left) 55/35

50′ Single Arm OH Walk (right) 55/35

7 Aussies w/ 2s pause (Rx+= Invert Feet)

Rest 2:00 between Workouts.

3 Rounds:

9 Front Squats 95/65 (Rx+= 135/95)

50′ Double DB Walking Lunge (hang at sides) 55’s/35’s
Overhead Walk – Our aim here is to focus on our midline. Commonly we’ll shift to one side in compensation, and here we have the chance to cinch down the rib cage and stay centered, trained under motion. Elbow must be locked out, and shoulders must stay square. Pressing the bicep as close as possible to the ear.

Pausing Row – A 2s pause with our chest in contact with the bar.

Front Squats- Let’s stay on the moderate side here.

Walking Lunge – Let’s challenge ourselves, but each distance must be completed broken. Dumbbells are held at the hang position.