CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Back 2 back (AMRAP – Reps)
Using the Tababta clock, with 2 minutes on and 1 minute to switch do as many reps of the following as possible:
– standing T-bar row 135/95 & push ups to superman w/ 2 sec hold
– bent over bb row 95/65 & GHD back ext.
– wide grip pullup & Aussies – hip height
– single arm db row 45/25 & T push ups
– bent over bb row (underhand grip) & bb shrug 95/65
– snatch grip high pull 95/65 & db farmers carry 32/24 (count the ft)
– clean grip high pull 95/65 & db jump shrug 35/20
– behind the back bb shrug 65/45 & superman
– db pullovers/chest expanders 50/35 & wide grip lat pulldown 12/10
– incline db shrug 40/20 & flutter kicks
– count all reps partner A & B for station total
– rotate around the room so not to double up on a station