CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

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Prison Yard Shuffle (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

In teams of 2-3, a 25 min AMRAP of:

rep scheme: ascending: 1,2,3,etc.

– 12′ sandbag shuttle 50+/35+

– weighted push ups 1,2,3,etc.

– 12′ sandbag shuttle

– weighted sit ups 1,2,3,etc.

Every 5th rd (so at 5, 10, 15, etc.)team members run 300m with their sandbags (or an equivalent distance inside – scale: walk with sandbag)
– reps counted are in rds and reps. For ex. we finished 8 push ups, but only did 6 situps, score = 8+6

– each tm member does the required number of reps

– tm members may work at the same time or alternate if they desire

– 300m = 7 laps inside

– teams will use 1 sandbag and one bumper per team, switch as needed