CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
10 Centuries of Fun (Time)
In teams of two, with a 50 minute time cap do the following totals as a team:
1 – 100 hang power snatches Rx 45/35, Rx+ 75/55
2 – 100 hang C&J Rx 45/35, Rx+ 75/55
3 – 100 bench press Rx 135/95, Rx+ 155/110
4 – 100 deadlift Rx 135/95, Rx+ 155/110
6 – 100 abmat situps Rx+ GHD
6 – 100 db kickbacks (each arm) Rx 45/35, Rx+ 55/35
7 – 100 walking lunge steps (1 db) Rx 45/35 Rx+ 55/35
8 – 100 commando back and forth pull-ups (s: mini pull w/ 2 sec hold)
9 – 100 bb curls Rx 45/35, Rx+ 65/45
10 – 100 push ups