CrossFit – Fri, Nov 22
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Hang Snatch (Every 2:00 x 6 Sets
3 Hang Squat Snatch)
Extra Instructions
Starting @ 65% and building to a 3RM for the Day. The focus should be to stay patient and keep your chest over the bar.
Amanda (Time)
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Squat snatches
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal: 5:00-10:00
Time Cap: 15:00
Stimulus: High Skill Gymnastics + Barbell Cycling
RPE: 9/10
Primary Objective: Fastest achievable time
Secondary Objective: Maintaining big sets on Ring Muscle-Ups and fast singles on the Squat Snatch
This is a tester workout of high skill work and barbell cycling. The focus will be to hit the Ring Muscle-Ups aggressively if you are very proficient and conservatively if you know you may struggle and get a failed rep. The goal should be no failed reps and managing fatigue to allow for consistent pacing and even picking it up a bit on the barbell as the reps get smaller on each set. For modifications we can move towards a mixture of skill work with low ring banded ring muscle-ups and strict movements of the Strict Pull-Up and Ring Dip. We can go all the way down and even scale the movements to Push-Ups and Ring Rows and still get quite a good effect and stimulus here on the day.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
For Time
Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Accessory Work (No Measure)
For Quality:
5 Sets
:20/:20 Single Leg Romanian Deadlift Hold , light to moderate KB
Rest 20 seconds
4/4/4 Banded Chop (High, Mid, Low) Each Side
Rest 20 seconds
6/6 Single Leg Rotational Medball Toss
-Rest 1:00 b/t sets-
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1:00/1:00 Wall Figure 4 Stretch
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d
CrossFit – Thu, Nov 21
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Chubbs (Time)
8 Rounds for Time
200m Run
3 Wall Walk / 50ft (15m) Handstand Walk
18/13 Calorie Echo
10 Line Facing Burpees
Round 1/3/5/7: Wall Walk
Rounds 2/4/6/8: Handstand Walk
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal: 26:00-35:00
Cap: 40:00 Time Cap
Primary Objective: Complete the working movements inside the gym in 3 minutes or less
Secondary Objective: Complete the run as close to 1:00 as possible
Stimulus: Aerobic Threshold and Steady State Work
RPE: 7/10
This workout is meant to be a longer workout with the emphasis on the monostructural components, but including some light bodyweight movements here to work on stability and control under fatigue. The intent is to maintain consistent pacing throughout and get some light touches on the Wall Walks, Handstand Walks, and build some good effort on the Burpees. We are alternating between Handstand Walks and Wall Walks, but the mods for the Handstand Walk will be shoulder taps instead of wall walks to work on a little different stimulus today rather than just working in more wall walks
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
8 Rounds for Time
200m Run
3 Wall Walk / 50ft (15m) Handstand Walk
8 Shuttle Runs
10 Line Facing Burpees
Round 1/3/5/7: Wall Walk
Rounds 2/4/6/8: Handstand Walk
Accessory Work (No Measure)
3-4 Sets, For Quality
8-10 Reverse Nordic Curls
15/15 Banded Terminal Knee Extensions
:15/:15 Copenhagen Plank
Recovery (Checkmark)
2 Rounds
Right Leg + Left Leg
:15 second Down Dog
:30 second Low Lunge
:15 second Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15 second Reach to Sky and Hold
:30 second Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30 second Pigeon
CrossFit – Wed, Nov 20
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Shooter (Weight)
20:00 EMOM
min 1: 5 Bench Press
min 2: 5 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean + 10 Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
min 3: MRx= 20 V-ups, Rx= 15 GHD Sit-Ups
min 4: 20 Renegade Rows
min 5: Rest Minute
Bench @ 90% of 5RM From Last Week
Dumbbells: MRx 35/25, Rx 50/35
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Stimulus: Strength and Stability EMOM
RPE: 6/10
Primary Objective: Bench Press @ % for the day
Secondary Objective: Complete each movement within the minute by the 45 second mark
This workout is meant to be a Strength Biased EMOM with the focus on the Bench Press and then added reps and volume for the core, shoulders, and hips. The DB Power Cleans and Front Rack Lunges should take the most time here and make things a challenge getting into the 15 GHD Sit-ups the next minute, but the rest of the components should allow for work to be done in about 30 seconds before transitioning to the next station.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
20:00 EMOM
min 1: 10-12 Dual Dumbbell Bench Press
min 2: 5 Dual Dumbbell Power Clean + 10 Dual Dumbbell Front Rack Reverse Lunges
min 3: 20 V-Ups
min 4: 20 Renegade Rows
min 5: Rest Minute
Dumbbells @ 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Accessory Work (No Measure)
3-4 Sets, For Quality
10/10 Side Plank Rotations
20 Banded Tricep Extensions
:30/:30 second Banded Paloff Press Hold
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
CrossFit – Tue, Nov 19
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Gymnastics Skill (No Measure)
Spend 5-10 Minutes working on one of the following:
Pull-up Progression
Butterfly Pull-up
Chest to Bar Progression
Butterfly Chest to Bar
Just Tap It In (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Just Tap It In”
4 Sets
3:00 On/1:00 Off
15/12 Calorie Row
15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups (MRx= Pull-Ups)
15 Box Jumps
*Pick up where you left off each round.
Box: MRx 20/16, Rx 24/20
Score = rounds + reps
Goals / Objectives / Notes
Goal: 6-8 Rounds
Score: Rounds & Reps
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Chest to Bar 1-2 Sets
Secondary Objective: Box Jump Cadence
These intervals will have a high aerobic demand, and also put a premium on upper body pulling endurance. Being able to consistently hit big sets on the pull-up bar after a hard effort on the row will be key, and then use our fitness to maintain a strong cadence on the box jumps. Aim to minimize breaks on the pull-up bar today, so that we can work for as much of each interval as possible. Don’t be shy about putting the pedal down on the rower a bit here. You will pick up where you left off each set.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
5 Sets
8 Goblet Squats
12 Jumping Squats
200m Run
Rest 1:00 b/t sets
Load: Kettlebell: 70/53lb, 32/24kg / Dumbbell 70/50lb, 32/22.5kg
Accessory Work (No Measure)
3-4 Sets
10-12 Bent Over Reverse Flys
10-12 Dual Dumbbell Zottman Curls
100ft (30m) Reverse Sled Drag
100ft (30m) Sandbag Bear Hug Carry or Dual Kettlebell Carry
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Stretch
1:00 Seated Chest Stretch
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
CrossFit – Mon, Nov 18
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Deadlift (Take 15:00 to Establish
3RM Deadlift)
Extra Instructions
Starting with some light loads on the barbell and building sets of 1-2 reps at a time until around 90% . We should have the goal of completing the 3RM Deadlift at close to 90%, so if you feel like you do 1-2 at 90% and it feels easy, then just do 1-2 and add loads. Give yourself about 3:00 before the final attempt to maximize this test.
Happy (Time)
4 Rounds for Time
72 Double Unders
18 Deadlifts
12 Shoulder to Overhead
Load: MRx 95/65, Rx 135/95
Goal / Objectives / Notes
Goal: 6:00-9:00 minutes
Time Cap: 12:00
Stimulus: Barbell Cycling
RPE: 8/10
Primary Objective: Maintain big sets on all movements
Secondary Objective: Keep consistent split pacing round to round.
This workout is a very cyclical style barbell cycling workout with the emphasis on staying consistent and finding a rhythm and pattern to the cycling components. We are looking for each movement to be able to be done unbroken, but possibly being strategic about breaks can help you get a better result here by allowing for less rest between movements.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
4 Rounds for Time
72 Double Unders
18 Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
12 Dual Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
Load: your choice
Accessory Work (No Measure)
For Quality:
5 Sets
10 Pendlay Rows, Moderate Load
20 GHD Reverse Hypers , Light Load
For the pendlay row, you will hold the bar to the chest for :10 to START each set, then go right into the work. For the hypers keep them light and controlled, and focus on good movement here.
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretch
1:00 Extended Reverse Plank Bridge
1:00/1:00 Crossbody Lat Stretch
1;00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
CrossFit – Sat, Nov 16
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
What Happened (Time)
“What Happened”
Alternating Full Rounds with Partner
For Time
12 Rounds
3 Wall Walks
5 Burpee Pull-ups(Rx+= Bar Muscle-ups)
9/7 Calorie Echo Bike
Objectives / Stimulus / RPE / Workout Strategy
Goal Time Domain: 15:00-22:00
Time Cap: 25:00
Primary Objective: Complete each round in as close to 90 seconds as possible
Secondary Objective: Complete each Bike in a sprint effort under 30 seconds
Stimulus: Gymnastics Density and Capacity
RPE: 7/10
Notes: We are looking to keep good places throughout with the focus on hitting a high intensity effort here to start things off on the Wall Walks, right into the Bar Muscle-Ups before tackling a sprint on the Echo Bike. Look to stay unbroken as long as possible and work the transition to the bike. Make sure to run back to tag your partner into the next round.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
6 Sets, For Time
3 Wall Walks
6 Burpee Pull-Ups
150m Run
Rest 1:1
Accessory Work (No Measure)
For Quality:
4 Sets
5/5 Bulgarian Split Squat 30×1
7 Dips (Ring or Box) 20×1
9/9 Single Arm DB Curls
-rest as needed b/t sets-
Tempo is written as:
Eccentric/lowering – 3 second
Bottom – 0 second
Concentric/raising – Explosive
Top – 1 second
*These numbers are an example for the bulgarians.
Recovery (Checkmark)
2 Rounds for Quality
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Up Dog
15sec Down Dog
:30sec Tall Lunge (right)
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch (right)
:15sec Down Dog
:30sec Tall Lunge (left)
:30sec Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch (left)
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